Clinical Pathway and Pathogenesis Study for Paraneoplastic Pemphigus 副肿瘤性天疱疮的临床路径与发病机理
We concluded that pemphigus vulgaris is a rare disease in children, but it should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis of oral ulceration along with skin manifestation in children. 我们的结论是虽然寻常性天疱疮是儿童期少见的疾病,但在看到儿童有口腔溃肠合并有皮卢病变时,必须把它列入别诊断之一。
We report a case of pemphigus vulgaris involving the vagina diagnosed on a liquid-based cervicovaginal smear Thin Prep ( R)( TP). 我们报道一例在妇科薄层液基细胞学涂片中得到诊断的阴道寻常天疱疮。
Objective: To describe the clinical and pathological features of pemphigus. 前言:目的:分析天疱疮的临床和病理特性。
Advance in the research of pathogenic mechanism of pemphigus vulgaris antigen 寻常型天疱疮抗原致病性及其机制的研究新进展
Nursing care of an elderly patient with severe pemphigus complicated with septicemia 老年重症寻常型天疱疮患者合并败血症的护理
Review of Diagnosis and Therapy for Pemphigus and Pemphigoid with Measurement of Serum Cytokines in Pemphigus Patients 天疱疮患者血清细胞因子的检测及其与类天疱疮患者的诊疗回顾
Nursing care of adverse reactions of common pemphigus patients caused by glucocorticoids combined with cyclophosphamide therapy 糖皮质激素联合环磷酰胺治疗寻常型天疱疮致不良反应的护理
The Proliferation of T Cell Responses to Desmoglein 3 in Patients with Pemphigus Vulgaris Dsg3刺激下寻常型天疱疮患者外周血T淋巴细胞增殖检测分析
The Clinical and CT Findings of Accompanied Diseases of Paraneoplastic Pemphigus 副肿瘤天疱疮伴发疾病的临床与CT表现
Effect of Potassium Manganate Bath and Boric Acid Compression on Pemphigus 高锰酸钾溶液药浴加硼酸湿敷治疗天疱疮效果观察
Efficacy of cyclophosphamide combined with corticosteroid in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris 环磷酰胺联合糖皮质激素治疗寻常型天疱疮的疗效观察
Clinical Analysis of 24 Cases with Paraneoplastic Pemphigus in China 国内24例副肿瘤性天疱疮临床资料分析
To establish a new method for detecting pemphigus antibody. 建立一种新的血清中的抗体检测方法。
Object To study the clinical features, laboratory results and therapy of patients with herpetiform pemphigus. 目的探讨疱疹样天疱疮的临床表现、实验室检查和治疗特点。
Thirty severe patients with pemphigus were treated with large doses of corticosteroid in combination with cyclophosphamide. 采用大剂量皮质类固醇与环磷酰胺同时并用治疗重症天疱疮30例。
Methods To detect autoantibodies in 16 cases of sera from patients with pemphigus by immunofluorescence. 方法以牛舌粘膜作为底物,分别应用间接免疫荧光法和免疫印迹技术检测16例天疱疮患者血清中IgG型自身抗体。
Objective: To improve therapeutic outcome of severe pemphigus. 目的:提高对重症天疱疮的治疗水平。
A case of paraneoplastic pemphigus associated with follicular dendritic cell sarcoma is reported. 报告1例滤泡树突状细胞肉瘤相关的副肿瘤天疱疮。
Secondary infection was common indirect cause of death of pemphigus and pemphigoid. 继发感染为天疱疮、类天疱疮共同的间接死因。
Methods: Therapeutic experience of21patients with severe pemphigus were summarized. 方法:总结了21例重症天疱疮患者的治疗。
The diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus was then made. 诊断为副肿瘤性天疱疮。
The expression of urokinase was high in the epidermis of pemphigus organ model; 天疱疮器官模型中尿激酶抗原表达增强;
Study of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Pemphigus 天疱疮早期诊断和治疗问题的探讨
Conclusions The therapeutic effect of pemphigus has been improved by evidence-based treatment. 结论循证治疗天疱疮患者可有效提高疗效。
Conclusions The mortality rate was high in the patients with pemphigus who suffered from viscera failure. 结论天疱疮患者中脏器衰竭者病死率高。
Detection of Pemphigus Antibodies with Indirect ELISA and ABC ELISA 间接ELISA和ABCELISA法对天疱疮抗体检测的研究