The resilient machine shall have a pendular drop ram. 弹性机器应有摆动式落锤。
Passive control analysis on pendular vibration of suspensory structures subject to point source excitations 点源激励作用下悬吊结构摆振被动控制方案分析
The Optimal Design of IHI Pendular Flying Shear IHI摆式飞剪剪切机构优化设计
A method inducing sinusoid pendular nystagmus in chickens 鸡行正弦摆动诱发眼震的引导方法
Mechanical model of human eye and stimulating analysis of pendular nystagmus 眼球的运动模型及对钟摆型眼球震颤的模拟分析
This study analyses the musical style of Classicism and Romanticism, reveals that the change tendency of musical style seems to be a pendular movement between two schools: The tendency of reasoning and The tendency of personality. 文章对古典主义和浪漫主义时期的音乐风格进行了分析总结,指出音乐的风格的变化好似在倾向理性思考和倾向个性表现这两种流派之间所作的钟摆式的运动。
The dynamics equation of sensor is constituted and the equation's solution is got. The relationship of output voltage and pendular angle of the sensing mass is gained. 建立传感器的动力学方程并求得解析解,得到输出电压和传感器敏感质量摆角的关系。
The optimal design result is much valuable for improving the performance of the pendular flying shear. 所得优化设计结果,对提高摆式飞剪性能具有重要的价值。
In CO2 gas metal arc welding, the difficulty hi seam tracking by pendular arc sensor is how to attain the tolerance signal of weld joint. 在CO2气体保护焊中,采用摆动电弧传感器进行焊缝跟踪的困难在于如何提取准确的焊缝偏差信号。
Pendular and jerk nystagmus have no differences in all observed index. 跳动型与钟摆型CN患者的VEP与ERG各观察指标无差异。
Using the substitution method of mass and momentum and taking the crank-slider mechanism as an example this paper carried out a complete balance of pendular force and moment for plane mechanisms with shifting pairs. 本文应用质量动力替代法,以曲柄滑块机构为例对含有移动副的平面机构摆动力与摆动力矩进行了完全平衡。
The complete balancing of pendular force and moment for plane mechanisms with shifting paris 含有移动副的平面机构摆动力与摆动力矩的完全平衡
Design of Big Angle and Little Dimension Pendular Motor 大摆角小尺寸摆动电动机的设计
Methods: Cut the contracture tract and extended the tendon to 32 cases of gluteus minimus with obliquity of pelvis and false unequal leg length, after surgery trained gluteal muscle contracture drill and pendular movement pelvis exercise. 方法:本组32例骨盆倾斜合并肢体假性不等长的患儿采用臀小肌松解延长手术,术后配合练习臀肌挛缩操和摆臀锻炼。
The properties of solution of a pendular model 一类摆动模型解的性质
Research on air compressor with pendular piston 摆动活塞式空气压缩机研究
Design of transmission for four cylinder compressor with pendular piston Swing Motion Bogie on Freight Car 四缸摆动活塞式压缩机传动机构设计摆动式货车转向架
Optokinetic rotatory stimulator combined with electronystagmograph were used to carry out the sinusoidal rotation test for inducing the sinusoid pendular nystagmus in 10 chickens. 用日本的视动旋转眼震仪及眼震电图仪,对10只鸡进行正弦摆动诱发眼震的测试,记录到良好的眼震电图。
14 patient with pendular nystagmus underwent posterior fixation suture of the rectus muscles and, of these, 7 cases associated with strabismus underwent bilateral medial or lateral rectus recession. 钟摆型14例行双眼内、外直肌后巩膜固定术,其中7例合并斜视者,联合双眼内直肌或外直肌后徙术。
A brief introduction is given for different complex water curtain construction techniques, such as pendular jet curtain and grouting curtain, to cope with different geological conditions. 同时,简单介绍了针对不同地质对象采取的摆喷帷幕和注浆帷幕组成的复合式截水帷幕施工技术。