Onsets of rainy seasons in the east part of China propagate from south to north, but things reverse in the west. Some 4 pentads after onsets, rainy seasons in China reach crest. 中国雨季的爆发在东部大致是从南往北逐步推进,西部正好相反,北早南晚。
The forecasting of mean atmospheric circulation of pentads is of great worth for prediction of weather elements and process, especially of macroscopic process. 候平均环流场的预报对于要素及天气过程,特别是大型天气过程预报有重要参考价值。
After it increases for two pentads, the subtropic anticyclone over NW Pacific Ocean and its western monsoon tend to intensify. 当这支气流加强之后2候时,西北太平洋副热带反气旋及其西侧(东海附近)的副热带夏季风趋于加强。
In strong Plateau monsoon year, ridge axis of South Asia high jump to the north in June which is earlier 1 pentad than normal year, and withdraw to south in August which is later 1 or 2 pentads and nearly vice versa. 高原季风强年,南亚高压脊线6月北跳比多年平均早1候,8月南撤晚1~2候;
Cytological analysis showed a large number of abnormal tetrads in mutant anther, especially hexads, pentads and irregular tetrads, which indicated abnormalities in meiosis. 细胞学观察发现突变体的花药中形成大量异常的四分体,特别是六分体、五分体和不规则的四分体,这表明突变体的减数分裂可能出现问题。