Relating to or containing bromine ( especially pentavalent bromine). 关于或包含溴(特别是五价溴)。
Pilot Study on Pentavalent Arsenic Removal by Coagulation and the Strengthening Effect of Flocs Recycling 混凝去除五价砷中试研究及絮体回流的强化效果
A nonmetallic largely pentavalent heavy volatile corrosive dark brown liquid element belonging to the halogens; found in sea water. 一种非金属五价液体元素,重,具有挥发性、腐蚀性,深棕色,见于海水中。
Containing bismuth ( especially in the pentavalent state). 含有铋(尤指五价铋)。
A salt or ester of vanadic acid; an anion containing pentavalent vanadium. 钒酸的一种盐或酯,一个含有五价钒的阴离子。
Recent progress in water-soluble complexes of pentavalent niobium 水溶性铌(Ⅴ)配合物研究进展
Conclusion Seems that as the pentavalent arsenic can be reduced to trivalent arsenic in human body, it should not ignore the risk of exposure to pentavalent arsenic in working environment. 结论因进入体内的五价砷可以还原成三价,对工业生产中接触的五价砷的致癌危险性不容忽视。
The Sojourn of Calcium Antimony ( Pentavalent) Gluconate in Dogs 五价葡萄糖酸锑钙在狗体内过程的初步研究
In an acetate buffer medium of pH 6.6, a colored complex was formed between pentavalent vanadium ion and pyrogallic acid. 于pH6.6的乙酸盐缓冲溶液中,五价钒离子与焦性没食子酸反应生成有色络合物。
Coulometric titration with pentavalent molybdenum& determination of cerium, chromium and vanadium 用五价钼为库仑滴定剂测定铈、铬和钒
Therefore, it is an effective way to oxidized trivalent arsenic to pentavalent arsenic when we remove arsenic in the water. 因此,在除砷前将三价氧化成为五价砷是强化除砷的有效途径。
And trivalent arsenic has stronger toxicity, more stability and more difficult to remove than pentavalent arsenic. 其中三价砷比五价砷毒性更强、更不稳定、更不容易去除。
The first purpose of this paper is to establish a rapid determination of trivalent arsenic and pentavalent arsenic method in water, secondly, to synthesize loaded Mn/ TiO2photocatalyst and adsorbent and apply it to the arsenic treatment system. 本论文的目的:首先建立一种快速测定水中三价砷和五价砷的方法;其次合成一种负载型Mn/TiO2光催化剂和吸附剂,并将其应用于砷的处理体系中。
Arsenic existing in the water generally presents trivalent and pentavalent states of the form. 在水环境中,砷一般以三价和五价态的形式存在。
The results showed that the quaternary ammonium headgroups of CTAB micelles interacting with V(ⅴ) ions in electrolyte prevents pentavalent vanadium from further polymerization which leads to a good suppression of the crystallization. 结果表明:电解液中CTAB胶束的季铵头部基团与五价钒作用,阻止五价钒的进一步聚合,从而抑制了五价钒的结晶。
Moreover, trivalent arsenic in the natural environment oxidized to pentavalent arsenic is a very slow process. 并且,三价砷在自然状态下氧化成五价砷的速度较慢。