Therefore, as a simple and rapid method, it is quite appropriate for measuring mixed sugars of pentoses and hexoses in the extraction liquor from hardwood or graminaceous plant. 该方法简单、快速,非常适用于阔叶木和禾本科植物半纤维素提取液中混合糖含量的同时测定。
Any of a group of polysaccharides found with cellulose in many woody plants and yielding pentoses on hydrolysis. 戊聚醣一种多糖,可见于多种木质植物的细胞中,水解生成戊糖。
A Pilot Scale of Ethanol Fermentation for Simultaneous Utilizing Pentoses and Hexoses in Spent Sulfite Liquor Study of Sulfite Test in Spices by Means of Steam Distillation 亚硫酸盐废液中戊糖己糖同步酒精发酵中间试验蒸气蒸馏法测定香辛料中亚硫酸盐研究
Simultaneous fermentation to ethanol of pentoses and hexoses from spent sulfite liquor 亚硫酸盐废液戊糖、己糖同步酒精发酵的调控
The approximate order of oxygen consumption rate in erythrocytes was hexoses> pentoses> disaccharides. 它们增加红细胞氧耗率的强度次序大致为:己糖>戊糖>双糖。
Construction of genetically engineered bacterial strains using pentoses& hexoses in ethanol fermentation 能利用五碳糖和六碳糖生产乙醇的基因工程菌菌株的构建
The ratio can be improved to increase the energy density from biological and chemical method of decomposing the cellulose in straws into low-molecule compounds such as pentoses, hexoses, methanol, hexanol, CO2, methane and hydrogen. 通过生物和化学的方法将秸秆中纤维素降解并产生五碳糖、六碳糖、甲醇、己醇、CO2、甲烷、氢气等低分子化合物,就能够提高碳氢比并增加能源密度。