The combination of diffusion weighted imaging ( DWI) and perfusion weighted imaging ( PWI) provides an imaging marker of the presence and extent of the ischemic penumbra ( 10 – 14). 弥散加权成像和灌注加权成像的结合为缺血半影带带的存在和严重程度提供影像识别标记(10-14)。
Effects of functional electrical stimulation on motor function and protein expression of microtube-associated protein 2 in the penumbra field of the rats with acute cerebral infarction 功能性电刺激治疗对急性脑梗死大鼠运动功能和缺血半影区微管相关蛋白-2表达的影响
I have always worked right at the border of the light and the penumbra. 我总是工作在光亮和半影的交界处。
At any time, the Staff of Ancient Penumbra manifests body adjustment on the wielder as a full-round action. 半影古杖任何时刻都可以以整轮动作对持用者展现身体调节异能。
Hinode Observations of Bipolar Moving Magnetic Features in Sunspot Penumbra 黑子半影内偶极运动磁特征的Hinode观测研究
Up-regulation of electroacupuncture on the expression of neuroglobin in cortical penumbra of MCAO rats 电针上调MCAO大鼠皮质缺血半暗带脑红蛋白的表达
Technically, the game is a huge improvement on its predecessors, featuring a large upgrade in the graphics department, looking much more modern than Penumbra. 技术上讲,这款游戏是其前作的极大改进版,在画面方面得到了很大的升级,看起来比《半影》更具现代感。
Objective To detect ischemic penumbra around hematoma by studying the change of regional cerebral blood flow ( rCBF) at acute phase and subacute phase in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. 目的观察脑出血急性期、亚急性期血肿周边血流量的改变,判断血肿周边是否存在缺血半暗带。
Thus, the PWI/ DWI mismatch includes not only the penumbra periphery, but also surrounding intact tissue. 因而,PWI/DWI错配不仅包括外围半影还包括周围完整的组织。
Then I looked out at the penumbra, and out on the penumbra was the question, well, could human beings be helpless and was this like depression? 随后我朝那个半影看,在那个半影处看见一个问题,恩,人类也会有无助并像(狗)那样陷入抑郁吗?
The price for this, however, seems to have been a huge reduction in environment size, thereby sacrificing much of the large and sprawling nature of Penumbra in favour of a little eye-candy. 不过其代价似乎是游戏的环境大小大幅缩水,因此为了让画面更好一点而牺牲了《半影》世界庞大而延展的特点。
Downtown Chicago and its penumbra also stand rejuvenated ( John McCormick) 芝加哥城商业中心及其周边地区都恢复了生机(约翰麦考密克)
Effects of Smoking on Cell Apoptosis and Expression Level of Fos Protein in Rat Brain Ischemic Penumbra 吸烟对大鼠局灶性脑缺血半暗带内细胞凋亡及Fos蛋白表达的影响
Penumbra is a very unusual game series, developed by Swedish developer Frictional Games. 《半影》是由瑞典游戏开发公司FrictionalGames开发的一个非凡的系列游戏。
Expression of p38 MAPK in cerebral ischemia core and penumbra in rats with focal cerebral ischemia p38MAPK在局灶性脑缺血大鼠缺血中心区和半影区的表达
This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot. 这包括对太阳黑子本影和半影持续的观测。
Conclusion HSP70 was sensitive marker of ischemic damage, the anatomic distribution of HSP70 expression could be thought as ischemic penumbra. 结论HSP70是缺血神经元损伤的敏感指标,缺血皮层区HSP70表达的解剖分布可能相当于半影区。
Assessment of ischemic penumbra in patients with cerebral infarction by radionuclide brain imaging 脑核素显像对脑梗塞患者缺血半暗带的评价
Effects of octanol on penumbra following experimental cerebral ischemia/ reperfusion 缝隙连接阻断剂-辛醇对实验性局灶性脑缺血/再灌注半暗带的影响
Penumbra: Overture is the first title in the Penumbra trilogy. 《半影:序章》是《半影》三部曲的第一部。
Effects of folic acid, vitamin B_6 and vitamin B_ ( 12) on ischemic penumbra in cerebral ischemia rats 叶酸联合维生素B6/B(12)对脑缺血半暗带区影响
Genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize the leaf end shape to improve the size and uniformity of leaf-end penumbra. 使用遗传算法对叶片端面形状进行了优化设计,使端面产生的半影大小和一致性得以改善。
We thought about optimism and pessimism, which was then the province of preachers and politicians and the like, in the penumbra and brought the same what was in the light from science to bear on that. 我们想到了乐观主义和悲观主义,这是传教士和政客这类人的地盘,还是半影中,我们又从科学中已经知道的来瞄准它。
Now as APA president, I think there is a set of problems in the penumbra that we now have enough in the light to be able to drag them into the light. 现在,作为APA的主席,我认为有一大串的问题仍在半影中,我们现在光照中有足够的东西来将其它的东西拽如入光照中。
I took what was in the light, brought it to bear on what was at the edge of the penumbra, and to my satisfaction, more of that entered the light. 我用已在光亮中的东西来瞄准那些还在半影中的东西,令人满意的是,更多的东西进入光照了。
The diffusion data measure the mobility of water molecules in tissues, which is significantly reduced in the core of the infarct lesion and to a much lesser extent, in the ischemic penumbra region. 扩散数据测定了水分子在组织中的迁移率,在梗塞损伤核心该迁移率显著降低并在缺血性半暗区达到明显低的程度。
The goal of reperfusion therapy is restoration of normal CBF in hypoperfused yet viable brain tissue ( ischemic penumbra)( 2 – 7). 再灌注治疗的目的是使灌注不足但仍存活的脑组织的血流量恢复正常(缺血半影区)(2-7)。
The ability to determine ischemic penumbra may allow clinicians to optimize therapy while decreasing potential complications of therapy past the3-h window. 确定缺血半影区的能力,可以帮助临床医师采用最优化治疗,同时降低在三小时时间窗后治疗的潜在并发症。
In additional, the luminance step is applied to detect the penumbra. 另外,提出了亮度步长的方法来检测阴影中的半影。
Therefore, the discrimination between penumbra and infarct core by DWI is not always clear, because DWI signal increases in both sides. 因此,DWI中的半影区和梗死的区别并不十分清楚,因为在这两方面DWI信号都会增加。