The breakdown time delay and jitter are very important for the plasma-electrode Pockels cells ( PEPC) electro-optic switch driven by one-pulse process. 减小单脉冲等离子体电极普克尔盒电光开关击穿时间延迟与抖动问题是提高大口径电光开关性能的关键。
Bioinformatics Analysis on C_4 PEPC from Maize 玉米C4型PEPC蛋白的生物信息学分析
The Construction of Full-Length cDNA Library during the Oil-Formation Phase of the Cotton Seed& the Cloning of pepc Gene 棉花种子油脂形成期全长cDNA文库构建与pepc基因克隆
Preliminary Analysis of Transgenic Poplars with PEPC Key Gene in C4 Plant Photosynthesis 转C4植物光合关键基因PEPC杨树的初步分析
The results showed that there were significant differences in PEPC activity among cultivars and among organs, and PEPC activity can be regulated by water supply. 结果表明,小麦不同品种和不同器官间PEPC活性存在明显差异,且受水分条件的影响。
Photosynthetic Performance of PEPC Transgenic Rice under Photoinhibition Conditions 光抑制条件下转PEPC基因水稻的光合表现
It has the advantages of largely decrease the discharging parameters of PEPC through magnetron cathode. 平面磁控阴极用于大面积等离子体放电具有大幅降低放电电压和放电气压的优点,是PEPC首选的放电途径。
Inheritance and Expression of the Maize pepc Gene in Progenies of Transgenic Rice Bred by Crossing 玉米pepc基因在杂交转育的转基因水稻后代中的传递和表达特征
It was demonstrated that the increment of photosynthesis was related to the introduction of PEPC gene. 用PEPC的专一抑制剂证明光合增加确与PEPC基因的导入有关。
By studying the variation of difference between P n and PEPC activity throughout the day, the influence of environmental factors ( e.g. light intensity and ambient temperature) and stomatal status on photosynthesis was analysed. 通过研究PEPC活性和Pn之间差异的全天变化,分析了环境因子(如光强、气温)和气孔状态对光合作用的影响。
These results indicated that photosynthesis can be improved by introduction of PEPC into rice, especially in stress conditions. 以上结果表明水稻中导入ppc基因可以提高其光合速率,特别是逆境条件下的光合速率。
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase ( PEPC ase) is a ubiquitous and multiple functional enzyme in higher plants. PEPCase是一个在植物中广泛存在的多功能酶。
Photosynthetic Characteristics and Heterosis in Transgenic Hybrid Rice with Maize Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase ( pepc) Gene by MAS 含玉米pepc基因恢复系的MAS转育及其杂交稻的光合特性和杂种优势研究
Study of the Protective Effects in PEPC Transgenic Rice 转PEPC基因水稻的光保护效应的研究
The Stable Photosynthetic Characteristics of a PEPC Transgenic Rice Germplasm 转PEPC基因水稻种质的稳定光合生理特性
It represented that PEPC gene had latency effect to improve the drought resistance of C_4 plants. 表现了C4-PEPC基因对于提高作物抗旱性的潜在作用。
Agronomic Performance and Physiological Characteristics of PEPC Transgenic Rice 转玉米PEPC基因水稻的农艺性状及生理特性
Breeding for Parents of Hybrid Rice with Maize pepc Gene 转玉米pepc基因的杂交水稻亲本的选育
And plasma electrode pockels cell ( PEPC) electro-optical switch may be the best choice for it. 而等离子体电极普克尔盒(PEPC)电光开关就是最佳候选。
In this paper, a fluid model of electro-optic switch of plasma-electrode Pockels cells ( PEPC) driven by one-pulse process is proposed. 采用流体模型对等离子体电极普克尔盒(PEPC)电光开关单脉冲过程进行了数值模拟分析。
The main conclusions were made as follows. 1. The PCR results showed that the pepc gene from sugarcane could be deteced in 132 regenerated plants from 600 transformed plants, and so was the marker gene hyg. 取得主要研究结果如下:1.分化获得600株抗性植株,PCR结果表明,其中有132株转化植株可以检测到目的基因pepc及标记基因hyg。
The expression vector was introduced into the receptor plant by genetic transformation method, and transformed offspring were identified, and the expression level of PEPC was analyzed from transformed progeny plants and transgenic plant protein, fat, fat composition changes were analyzed. 通过转基因技术将遗传表达载体转化进入受体植株,并对转化后代进行鉴定,并分析转化后代植株PEPC基因表达量的变化以及转基因后代植株的蛋白质、含油率、脂肪酸成分的变化。
The RCR results of T1 generation of transgenic plants showed that pepc gene could be inherited in the progeny of transgenic plants. 6. 对T1代转基因植株的进行PCR检测,结果表明pepc基因可以遗传给转基因植株后代。
High expression of transgenic maize-C4-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene rice ( high-expressing transgenic corn C4 pepc rice) are better than no transgenic rice original seed in physiological traits, photosynthetic indexes and yield traits. 高表达转玉米C4型磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因水稻(高表达转玉米C4型pepc水稻)无论在生理性状,光合指标及产量等性状方面都优于未转基因水稻原种。
There is no significant relativity between the activity of PEPC and malic acid content in various treatments. 各个处理间PEPC活性与苹果酸含量均没有明显的相关性。