Then I made him a little tent to sleep in, but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me. Per-haps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night. 然后我给他搭了一座小帐篷睡觉,但一连几个星期我总是带枪睡觉,或许因为星期五还是一个野人,也许他会在夜里杀了我。
Pay-per-view will become pay per play, allowing these pros to interact with you in cyberspace dramas. 按次收费将变为按剧收费,这类职业人员将因此能够在网络剧中与你相互作用。
So much attention has been focused on gold prices recently that the per-formance of the silver market has been somewhat overlooked. 近来,人们对于黄金价格是如此关注,以至于在某种程度上忽视了白银市场的表现。
The construction and per-formance requirement of the new car's cooling system are redefined by analysis calculation and road test verification under given conditions according to the lay out requirement of the new car. 结合新车型整车布置的要求,通过分析计算和设定条件下的道路试验验证,重新确定了新云雀轿车冷却系统的结构和性能要求。
In this paper the adsorption thermodynamics properties of new type chitosan crosslinked by al-dehyde and epichlorohydrin ( AECTS) for Ni ( II) and the influence of Ni ( II) on the AECTS structure and per-formance were investigated. 研究了甲醛、环氧氯丙烷交联壳聚糖树脂(AECTS)对Ni(II)的吸附行为和吸附Ni(II)对树脂结构及性能的影响。
The bearing is provided with the per-formance of large load capacity and high stability. 新轴承具有承载能力大和稳定性高的特点。
Concentration of serum triglyceride, cholesterol, and lipid per- 本文对40&79岁168人的血清丙二醛和血脂进行测定。结果表明,血清中胆固醇,甘油三酯含量与血清中脂质过氧化物之间存在密切的正相关;
Conclusion Acupuncture of Neiguan ( PC 6) has protective regulation on cardiac function in the health per- 结论:针刺内关穴对健康人的心脏功能起着保护性的调整作用。
Form per-pixel classification to per-field classification; 从基于像元的逐点分类到基于图斑的分类;
Most countries in the world have banned its use, but in China potassium bromate is within the category of flour treatment agent that is per-mitted with a limitation of 0. 03g/ kg in wheat flour. 世界上的许多国家都已经禁止了溴酸钾的使用,但是在中国溴酸钾仍被列为面粉处理剂,允许以0.03g/kg的用量于小麦面粉中使用。
The influence of amplitude-frequency characteristics distortion in radar channels on its per-formance is studied in theory. 从理论上探讨了雷达系统信道幅频特性畸变对其性能的影响。
This paper analyses the terrain that reconnaissance and design academes are confronted with, and expoundes the training compound talent method that represents the transformant from traditional per-sonnel manage to human resources manage that adapted to market economy system. 本文分析了勘察设计单位面临的形势,阐明了从传统的人事管理转变到适应市场经济体制的人力资源管理,培养复合型人才的方法。
This paper introduces a simple and practical test board to test the comprehensive per-formance of electric bicycles. 介绍了一种简单实用的电动自行车综合性能测试台。
However, the relationship between time-based per-formance, the trust and normal information share is not linear. 在我国,双方的信任关系、一般信息分享两个指标都和提高制造环节中的时间绩效没有确定的线性关系。
One of the most conditions that Hebei will have realized a great-leaped development of e-conomy is to go up to a new terrace in the reserve of per-capita capital. 河北省实现经济跨越式发展的一个重要条件就是省内人均资本存量跃上一个平台。
Informational redundancies were calculated which are yielded form the correlation between single-or poly-peptide s and conformations, while the statistical independence hypothesis tests were per-formed. 计算了单肽及多肽与构象关联所产生的信息剩余度,同时进行了单肽及多肽与构象的统计独立性假设检验。
The burning per-formance of blended coal is close to the coal which has better burning performance. 而当着火性能相近的两种煤进行掺混时,煤的活化能比将单一煤种活化能按比例加权平均值大,混煤的着火性能更接近活化能大的煤。
In order to overcome the problem of slow reaction rate of the Baylis-Hillman reaction, we employed per-( or poly) fluorophenyl aromatic aldimines as the electrophiles. 第一部分,我们用较活泼的亲电试剂N-全(多)氟苯基芳香亚胺进行aza-Baylis-Hillman反应,取得了较好的结果,反应速度也很快。
We studied the development potential of built-up land use, put emphasis on per-capita land use area, average floor area ration and town building vacancy rate as well as total exploitation trend of built-up land use. 深入分析了建设用地开发潜力,重点从人均用地面积、平均容积率和城镇房屋空置率以及建设用地开发总体趋势四方面进行研究。
The relationship between the status of reverse marketing and time-based competition per-formance is studied. 实证研究企业供应商关系管理的状况对制造企业基于时间的竞争战略的影响。
In addition, the increment of per-mitted compression ratio is basically linear to core steel ratio. 此外,设计轴压比提高幅度与核芯钢筋配筋率之间基本上成正比关系。
The calculation method of propeller's characteristics can be used in analyzing and modeling propeller's characteristics, in engine per-formance analyzing and prediction as well as in designing and optimization of governor system of marine diesel engine. 螺旋桨特性计算的简便算法可以应用于螺旋桨特性的分析和建模,仿真模型可用于动力装置的性能分析、预测和调速器系统的设计和优化。
The model is in the per-unit system. Meanwhile, the expression of the long-run average benefit per unit time is derived. 模型以标么值形式表示的。导出了系统经长期运行单位时间内期望效益的明显表达式。
But its per-packet scheduling results in high computational complex are related with the number of packets. 但是它仍然需要每包的调度,其复杂度和包的数量有关。
Through a compaction test on cement fly ash mixture, the article makes an analysis on the optimized dosage of cement fly ash and discusses the per-formance character and strength formation mechanism. 文章通过对水泥粉煤灰基层混合料的击实试验,进行粉煤灰掺量的优化分析,探讨了水泥粉煤灰路面基层材料的性能特征和强度形成机理。
Fifty five per-cent of the inferior thyroid vein are double-trunked. 甲状腺下静脉多数是双干。
Find a suitable grid services described models for grid services functions, per-conditions, operating results accurate description is the realization of grid services for automatic composition. 寻找一种适合的网格服务描述模型,对网格服务的功能、前置条件、运行结果进行精确描述是实现网格服务自动组合的前提。
Application of titanium white waste acid in calcium per-phosphate production 钛白废酸在普钙生产中的应用
The queue was analysised by using method of matrix-geometric solution, and the exact per-formance measure were obtained such as average queue length of both traffic, blocking probability of real-time traffic. 并且应用矩阵几何解方法,对该排队模型进行精确分析,得到了系统的主要性能指标:实时性业务和非实时性业务的平均队长、实时性业务的阻塞概率、系统信道利用率等结果。
Become increasingly prominent in the urban culture of today, Chinese oil paintings in the contemporary native art per-formance seems to have become a kind of "soil" on behalf of the lost value depicted. 在城市文化日益凸显的今天,中国的乡土油画在当今艺术的表现中似乎已经成了一种土的代表而失去了描绘的价值。