The per-second rate of incoming requests dropped because they are malformed. 由于格式错误,每秒放弃传入请求的速率。
The per-second rate of sent messages. 每秒发送消息的速率。
The per-second rate of socket creation. 每秒创建套接字的速率。
The per-second rate of incoming messages that could not be authenticated. 每秒传入无法进行身份验证的消息的速率。
The per-second rate of received bytes. 每秒收到字节的速率。
The per-second rate of outgoing messages that needed to be signed. 每秒传出需要进行签名的消息的速率。
The per-second rate of received messages. 每秒收到消息的速率。
The per-second rate of incoming messages that had invalid authentication header. 每秒传入具有无效验证头的消息的速率。
The per-second rate of received responses. 每秒收到响应的速率。
The per-second rate of sent bytes. 每秒发送字节的速率。
The per-second rate of received requests. 每秒收到请求的速率。
Owing to GPS clock, which has no accumulative error, and quartz oscillator, which is very stable, the time counting value is obtained without delay via hardware by combining high speed sampling and PPS ( Pulse Per-Second)-snapping. 利用GPS时钟无累计误差和高精度晶振频率稳定性高的特点,并将高速采样与秒脉冲捕捉有机结合,通过硬件方式无延时地捕捉秒脉冲以获取精确的时间计数值。
This thesis analyzes and compares between the theories and approaches of the square-root computing method now adopted by our country and the probability method by western developed countries for the nominal per-second water flow in architectural water supply design. 本文对现阶段我国建筑给水设计秒流量采用的平方根计算方法及欧美等发达国家采用的概率计算方法的理论和计算方法进行了分析、比较。
The previous video measure system was afterwards measure which can process 3-6 frame per-second, Whereas in this system it can process two image in 20ms. 以前的视频测量多为事后判读,没有实时性的要求,每秒仅处理3&6帧。而在此系统中,能够实现以20ms处理两幅图像。