Continuous availability demands that the database engine be available for processing with no perceivable downtime. 持续可用性要求数据库引擎随时可用,没有可觉察的停机时间。
The slight difference in response time of1 msec would not be perceivable, and is likely due to measurement variability. 响应时间的差异只有1msec,可以无需考虑,而且可能是由于测量的误差引起的。
To a client of a refactored method, there is no perceivable difference. 对于重构方法的客户机来说,看不到区别。
One country remarked that up until now there had been no perceivable, substantial movement on the part of the US, and that is the reason for this situation. 一个国家谈道,到目前为止美国方面还没有任何可见的实质性动作,这是造成如今状况的原因。
Some things are not perceivable by sense, but only cogitable by reason. 有些事物不能以感官觉察,只能由推理而得知。
Between actual system state and what is perceivable by sight, sound, or feel. 实际系统状态和被用户各种感官感知的相互联系。
The sampling method has advantages of direct perceivable and forthright. 该方法具有直观简捷的优点。
Time, like air, is shapeless& not perceivable. However, people mark it by the second, minute, hour, day, month and year, so that it becomes something that one can recall. 时间原是与空气一样无形无物的东西,可人类终于把它用秒、分、时,日、月、年雕刻成为了记忆。
"Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form. “记录”指书写正在有形介质上的消息,或者存储正在电子介质或其他介质上并且可以以可识另外方式重新获取的消息。
Data on five entrances to Dulce Lab is leaked, and the government takes care of them by destroying buildings and building new ones in odd locations for apparently no perceivable reason. 达尔西实验室的五个入口资料被泄漏,政府的解决办法是,把旧的建筑摧毁,在别的不显眼的地方盖新的。
The quality of being perceivable by touch. 通过接触可以被认识。
In general, search engines have turned away from metadata, and they try to hone in more on what ′ s exactly perceivable to the user. 总之,搜索引擎摆脱了元数据的桎梏,它们设法更多在对用户的感受上努力。
Asana and pranayama are all perceivable aspects of yoga practice, but there are other layers which are not that obvious. 瑜伽练习中,体式和呼吸控制法都是易于感知的部分,但还有其它无法一眼看透的层面。
By adopting a new high perceivable wireless communications system, which could meet the AQ6210-2007 standard, Maozhuang mine was able to realize accurate personnel tracking and attendance management. 通过采用新的符合《AQ6210-2007》标准要求的高感知度无线通信技术,亨达矿业实现了各作业层的人员准确定位和考勤。
This paper, with the help of the directly perceivable characteristic of the shortest route for some class of a directed graph and the theoretical analysis of the simplex method, presents a new pivoting rule for solving linear programming. 本文借助于一类有向图中最短路的直观特征与单纯形方法的理论分析,在求解线性规划的单纯形方法中,给出了一个新的转轴法则。
The importance of determination of complete pole figures in the research of polycrystalline materials is easily perceivable. 从中可看到晶体取向与材料加工工艺及性能的密切关系,亦不难看出全极图测定在材料研究中的重要性。
The properties of the environment and agents are described by V, S and K operators representing information perceivable, being perceived and being known in the environment. 在该系统中,用表示Agents能够感知到的,以及知道的关于环境的信息的操作符V,S和K来对Agents及其环境的特征进行刻画。
In Wu's theory, the "mind" was considered as both perceivable subject and ethical noumenon. 在他的心学理论中,心既是一个认识主体,又是一个伦理本体。
The principle of the method is simple, more perceivable and of high accuracy. 此种方法原理简单,直观性强,精确度较高。
As a formal teaching activity at school, which is not only perceivable but observable as well, psychological guidance is far from unpredictability with regard to its process and methods. 在学校对学生实施心理辅导作为一种可观察和感受到的正式的学校教育活动,辅导的过程和方法并非不可捉模。
Dynamic false contour is a perceivable motion artifact in plasma display panel when displaying fast moving images. 等离子体显示屏在显示运动画面时会出现伪轮廓线等动态失真现象。
This method is fast and perceivable. 该方法具有快速、直观、经济效益显著等特点,值得推广应用。
The result shows that this method is not only reliable, but also perceivable. 结果表明,这种方法不仅可靠有效,而且直观醒目。
And the elements of beauty of Chinese character are studied from the follow aspects: the teaching process, the structural beauty of Chinese characters, and its perceivable image. 并在汉字的教学过程中,以汉字的形体美为切入点,通过汉字具体可感的形象,从这三个方面去深入挖掘汉字形体所蕴涵的美的因素。
As a complicated perceivable task and sensibility activity, writing process must be affected by self-efficacy mechanism. 作为一种复杂的认知任务和情感活动,作文过程肯定要受到自我效能机制的影响。
A framework for action planning, called ideomotor theory, suggests that actions are represented by their perceivable effects. 有一种行为规划的构架被称为观念运动理论。
First of all, the perceivable Xiang is the outcome of sense organs or rather the interaction between the subject and the objective world. 首先,涉及天、地、人以及万物之象的可感之象,来源于主体与外部客观世界的互动,是人体感觉器官作用的结果。
Then, based on this model, the watermark is adaptively inserted into the visual redundancy areas of the luminance and chrominance components without introducing the perceivable distortions. 然后基于此JND模型,水印信息被自适应地嵌入到亮度层和色度层的视觉冗余区域中。
Since the focus and perceivable structure could be changed under the different scales, we study the urban fabric of Ningbo old city from two levers, which are whole city area lever and subarea lever. 由于不同尺度下人的关注重点和认知结构会发生变化,为了方便研究和论述,分别从城市级和分区级两个尺度层次对宁波老城的城市肌理进行研究。
Several related researches of cultural anthropology have proved that in primitive society there is no clear cut between science and necromancy that they are close to each other in that perceivable world. 文化人类学的相关研究表明,在原始社会时期,科学与巫术并没有明显的界域分野,并普遍认为巫术与科学在认识世界的概念上是相近的。