In an attempt to change this situation, it's quite necessary to alter sports from perceptibility to rationality. 理性体育取代感性体育是改变这一现象的根本举措。
Mining geo-spatial information from natural language not only enriches information sources for Geographic Information System ( GIS) but also enhances representability and perceptibility of GIS. 实现自然语言中地理空间信息的挖掘,不仅能够丰富地理信息系统(GIS)的信息来源,而且能够提升GIS的表达能力和可理解性。
The purpose of this investigation was to improve the perceptibility about acute myocardial infarction ( AMI) through analyzing the causes for delayed identification of AMI in prime ECG. 通过分析急性心肌梗死早期心电图延迟诊断的原因,旨在提高对急性心肌梗死的认知能力。
The suggested formula features simplicity in calculation, perceptibility in appearance, and close approximation of calculated resistances to that of the model tests. 此公式具有计算简便,表达直观,计算与船模试验阻力值较逼近的特点。
This control scheme proposes a visual quantization matrix to weight the discrete cosine transform ( DCT) coefficients in order to reduce the coding distortion on the visual perceptibility. 该控制策略采用一个视觉量化矩阵对DCT系数进行加权处理,以减少DCT系数在视觉特性上的编码失真。
Proposed conception of Generic Technology was that the perceptibility of connotation and characteristic about technology was deepened with the view of economy and management. 共性技术概念的提出是从经济和管理视角对技术本质及特征的深化认识。
The Study of Perceptibility for Positive-and Negative-Type Schizopherenia 阳性型与阴性型精神分裂症认知功能的研究
On the other hand, the ironic language enhances the readability, interestingness and perceptibility of the novel, and provides a fresh aesthetic pleasure to the reader. 另一方面,反讽式的语言增强了小说的趣味性和可读性,提高了小说的可感性,并使读者获得新的审美愉悦。
Human beings have twu basic mental abilities: reason and perceptibility. 感受力和理性是人的两种基本的精神能力。
Moral capital is characterized by practicalness, perceptibility, and parent body decisiveness. 道德资本具有实践性、可感知性、母体决定性特征。
In the selection of teaching materials, it attaches importance to highlight the moral, aesthetic education and embody the spirit of humanism in Chinese education, it also focus on the overall perceptibility of reading and cultivate aesthetic awareness of deaf students. 在教材的选择时注意凸显语文教育的德育、美育功能以及人文精神的体现,注重聋生阅读整体感知能力的提高、审美意识的培养。
National costume is a historical perceptibility of long national living environment, also is the material appearance of its comprehensive national culture information. 民族服饰是一个民族在长期的生产生活环境中的沉淀,也是该民族综合文化信息的一种物质显现。