He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live. 他感兴趣的是我们对死亡的看法如何影响我们的生活。
Reason, which is a function of memory, organizes perceptions into comprehensible patterns. 理性是一种记忆功能,将感知组织成可理解的模式。
Varying opinions. It's not unusual to discover differing perceptions of the culture across different individuals and teams. 分析重要的不同意见在不同的个体和团队之间发现文化的不同感觉是不寻常的。
They influence not just our perceptions of others, but perceptions of ourselves. 它们不仅影响我们对其他人的看法,还影响我们对自己的看法。
Clearly, perceptions and differences in values affect the outcomes of negotiations and the success of negotiators. 明显地,价值观的不同和理解上的差异影响了谈判的结果和谈判者的成功与否。
Hair traits and associated medical and social implications influence our perceptions of each other and ourselves. 头发的特征和它在医学及社会交际上的隐含意义影响着我们对他人和自我的认知。
We suggest that the contrast between investors 'and policymakers' perceptions results from three fundamental disconnections. 我们认为,投资者和决策者之间认知的差异,源自3个基本“脱节”。
We will change market perceptions and all of us will benefit as a result. 我们将改变市场的看法,其结果将是我们大家都会受益。
You appreciate new perspectives and perceptions, even ones that seem odd or bizarre to others. 你喜欢新的观点和认知,即使它们在别人眼中显得古怪和荒唐。
However, with the development of culture and value, its perceptions are increasingly deepened. 然而,随着文化和价值观念的发展,对它的理解也日益深化。
While these have broad appeal, newspapers have done a great deal to influence the perceptions of the people. 这些(书籍、电视和电影)有着广泛的吸引力,而报纸也极大地影响了人们的思想观念。
Your perceptions of China, and Australia's relations with China, have a great impact on us. 你们对中国的看法,以及中澳两国的关系,对我们都有重大影响。
These results indicate that such perceptions are social constructs, based on hearsay and prejudice. 这样的结果表明,这些看法是建立在道听涂说和先入之见基础上的一些社会观念。
These have lowered perceptions of risk in the market. 这降低了市场对风险的感知能力。
As events unfold, people form perceptions about colleagues, the organisation, work and themselves. 随着事件发展,人们对同事们、组织、工作和自己都会形成感知。
In our daily life, many factors will affect our perceptions. 在我们的每日生活方面,许多因素将会影响我们的知觉。
This guarantees that the brand contribution is rooted in real-life customer perceptions and behaviour, rather than subjective opinion. 这可保证品牌贡献是基于现实生活中消费者的认知和行为,而非主观看法。
This is called the perceptual stage of cognition, namely, the stage of sense perceptions and impressions. 这叫做认识的感性阶段,就是感觉和印象的阶段。
This affects the political debate, and leads to misguided perceptions. 这会影响政治辩论,形成被误导的观念。
This ambiguity in relative status may have affected perceptions of the relationships between Chinese writers and foreign translators. 这一关系地位的模糊性也许已经影响了中国作家与外国译者对相互关系的看法。
Between concepts and sense perceptions there is not only a quantitative but also a qualitative difference. 概念同感觉,不但是数量上的差别,而且有了性质上的差别。
Each previous recession has had some impact on perceptions. 此前的每次衰退都对人们的认知产生了一些影响。
This provides evidence that exposure to certain patterns of speech can influence one's perceptions of musical rhythms. 这对讲话的某些模式可能会影响人的音乐节奏的感知的结论提供了一个有力的证据。
Personal factors such as educational attainment, age and sex influence the perceptions. 个人因素如教育程度、性别和年龄影响他们对土地结构变化的认知和愿意。
These influences colour our perceptions, our direct understanding. 这些东西歪曲了我们的感知和直接的了解。
Furthermore, there are cultural biases that reveal fundamental differences in our perceptions of happiness. 另外,某些文化偏见也使我们在对幸福的认知上显示出根本差异。
This invites the employee to share his perceptions and concerns about the job. 这有助于员工表达他对这份工作的认识和看法,及他所关注的问题。
I think it comes down to having different priorities and perceptions of rules and regulations and health and welfare. 我认为,归根结底,这是一个轻重缓急观念不同,对规章制度及健康和福利有不同看法的问题。
Those paintings represent the artist's perceptions and experiences. 那些绘画作品反映了艺术家的观念和经历。
Our perceptions of the world are corrected by our knowledge. 我们的知识纠正了我们对世界的感性认识。