Objective: to observe the effect of percussopunctator on habitual constipation. 目的:观察梅花磁针综合疗法对习惯性便秘的临床疗效。
Objective: To observe the curative effect of acute posterior ganglionitis by the method of surrounding puncture method and percussopunctator combined with cupping cup. 目的:观察联合应用围刺法梅花针及火罐治疗急性带状疮疹的疗效。
METHOD The 80 patients were treated with acupuncture, percussopunctator, blood-letting method at the ear and Chinese drugs in combination. A control group was treated only with Chinese drugs. 方法:采用针刺配合梅花针叩刺、耳穴放血、中药综合治疗痤疮80例,并设单纯中药对照组80例,观察2组疗效。
Conclusion The combination of penicillin and percussopunctator plus cupping jar is effective for the treatment of erysipelas on Lower legs and prevention of recurrence. 结论梅花针加火罐联合青霉素是下肢丹毒治疗和预防复发的有效方法。
Clinical Research on the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis with Percussopunctator and External Application 梅花针配合中药贴敷治疗过敏性鼻炎临床研究