Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right, rehearsed down to a T. 露西什么都追求十全十美,样样都不能出一点问题,要准备得滴水不漏。
It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal. 相信完美可以企及是不现实的。
My idea of physical perfection is to be very slender. 在我看来,要拥有完美身材就要非常苗条。
He is rarely satisfied with anything less than perfection itself. 他一般只对那些绝对完美的事情感到满意。
It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection 有时候,力求达到她尽善尽美的标准让人觉得很累。
His quest for perfection is relentless 他不断追求完美。
Physical perfection in a human being is exceedingly rare. 体貌完美的人极为罕见。
The house and garden were perfection. 房屋和花园都非常漂亮。
Madame Clicquot is credited with the perfection of this technique. 这项技术的完善要归功于凯歌夫人。
Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection. 作为一名老戏骨,他上场的时间把握得恰到好处。
Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right. 露西是个追求完美的人,凡事都得完全符合要求。
Mike can take off his father to perfection. 迈克模仿爸爸时惟妙惟肖。
He aims at perfection in everything he does. 他做任何事情都力求十全十美。
He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself. 他对别人求全责备,对自身的缺点却视而不见。
The dress shows off her figure to perfection. 这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。
She aims at perfection in everything she does. 她做任何事情都想求全。
We shouldn't demand perfection.; Don't nitpick. 不要求全责备。
It was little by little that the watch reached its present-day perfection. 表渐渐地达到了现在这样完美的程度。
He attained perfection in landscape painting. 他画山水的技巧达到了炉火纯青的地步。
Absolute perfection in a dictionary is rare. 绝对完美的词典是罕见的。
His performance was sheer perfection. 他的表演达到了尽善尽美的地步。
His car is always in the pink of perfection. 他的汽车性能总是极其良好。
The kitchen was cleaned to perfection. 厨房打扫得干干净净。
This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection. 这件工艺品达到了尽善尽美的程度。
The round shape denotes fullness and completeness that reflect a pursuit in physical and spiritual abundance and perfection. 圆形表示的丰满和完整的反映了物质和精神追求丰富和完善。
Are you focused on order and perfection? 你对秩序和完美非常专注?
He attains the consummation of his perfection not in this life, but in the life to come. 他达到了圆满,他没有完善的在这生活,但在生活中来。
It was the source and being of moral perfection and of absolute justice. 它是完美道德和绝对正义的根源和本质。
This, I hope I can achieve perfection. 这一点,我希望我能做到极致。
The pursuit of perfection, then is the pursuit of sweetness and light. 对完美的追求就是对甜蜜和光明的追求。