More and more, I see the connection between perfectionism, control, and anger. 我越来越发现完美主义、控制和愤怒之间的关系。
Perfectionism is another confidence killer, the writers point out. 作者还认为,完美主义是另一个信心杀手。
There are stories of Jobs 'hot temper and obsessive perfectionism. 书中描写了乔布斯的暴脾气以及过分追求完美主义的故事。
That was Jobss credo, and until he saw it his perfectionism kept him on edge. 这是乔布斯的信条,在他看到之前,他的完美主义将他逼到悬崖边上。
But what happens when we do get carried away with perfectionism? 但是如果我们真的为了完美主义,走火入魔了,会发生什么呢?
Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul! 放弃十全十美的想法是灵魂的维他命和一种锻炼。
So, as you might imagine, perfectionism does not make for a happy love life either. 所以,你可以想象,完美主义也无法造就幸福的爱情生活。
However, some managers 'perfectionism is such that this appeal to reason will not wash. 然而,有些经理人的完美主义过于严重,跟他们讲道理已经没用了。
A Study on the Relation among Attachment, Perfectionism and Mental Health of Adolescents 青少年依恋、完美主义和心理健康的关系
To critics, this is the dark side of Mr Jobs 'perfectionism. 对批评者来说,这是乔布斯完美主义的阴暗面。
In my case, as this list shows, anger stems from a tendency toward perfectionism. 对于我的情况来说,正如这份清单显示的一样,愤怒源自完美主义的倾向。
You have a strong desire to be right, even to the extent of perfectionism. 你对正确性有强烈的渴望,以至于过分追求完美。
Combine this with perfectionism and the real controlling personality comes out – an unrealistic expectation of perfect work right now! 将这和完美主义结合起来,真正的控制型性格出现了-就在此刻对完美工作的一个不现实的期望!
The INFJ's perfectionism and idealism, when combined with their empathy and genuine concern for others, can cause them to be true servants for people in some fashion. INFJ的完美主义和理想主义,与他们的移情和对别人的真诚关心结合在一起时,可以使得他们成为一定程度上的真正为人们服务的人。
The Relationship among Perfectionism, Achievement Goal Orientation and Self-Handicapping of College Students 大学生完美主义、成就目标定向和自我妨碍的关系
A Correlational Study on College Students 'Perfectionism, Parental Rearing Patterns, and Mental Health 大学生完美主义与父母养育方式、心理健康的关系
She says that perfectionism is often associated with black and white, all-or-nothing thinking. 她说完美主义通常与绝对化的非黑即白或者很极端的思想息息相关。
A Correlational Study on College Students 'Perfectionism and Employment anxiety 大学生完美主义、内外控、自我和谐与就业焦虑的关系研究
Law school rewards perfectionism, while law practice rewards good sales skills. 法律系奖励完美主义,而法律实践奖励好的推销技巧。
Timeboxes serve as the perfect hedge against perfectionism, gold plating and procrastination. 时间盒可以很好地防止完美主义、画蛇添足和拖延。
Perfectionism is a Virgoan trait. 完美主义是室女星座人的一种特征。
It had great associations with the idea of worry about failure, perfectionism and idea of bad time management. 它与担心失败的观念、完美主义观念和不良时间管理观念有重要关联。
Bodyimage disturbance and perfectionism exorbitance are the key factors of eating disorder symptoms in university students. 大学生歪曲的身体意象、过度的完美主义倾向是进食障碍症状发生的关键因素。
Some studies suggest the role of perfectionism on health might depend on who's imposing the high standards. 一些研究表明完美主义在健康方面的作用取决于那些强加于身上的高标准。
The malleable mind of the pragmatist. Relationship Between Perfectionism and Coping Style as Well as Depression of Adolescents 实用主义者那适应性很强的思想青少年完美主义与应付方式和抑郁的关系
Which are open is the connotations of conflicts between destiny and tragedy, perfectionism and disappointment, and between familiarization and unconscious neglect. 可以公开的只是里面的宿命和悲剧,完美主义和失望,熟悉和熟视无睹之间的冲突。
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Coping Style as Well as Depression of Adolescents 青少年完美主义与应付方式和抑郁的关系
I believe procrastination is born out of an excessive drive to perfectionism. 我相信拖沓就是由过度的完美主义驱动力孕育而生。
Procrastinators often succumb to this sort of perfectionism. 拖延者经常屈服于此种完美主义。
You may want to read How to Control Perfectionism. 你也许想要阅读如何控制完美主义一文。