Therefore, the translator, starting from the performability of the drama, has to make some changes according to the cultural standards and traditions of the receptor language. 因此,要使目的语观众也获得类似原语观众的感受,译者往往应该从剧本的可表演性出发根据译入语的文化规范和传统做出相应调整。
There is a key feature in system model of grid monitoring architecture: event publication infor-mation and monitoring event data must be transferred in different channels, analysis of performability model focuses on this feature. 网格监控体系结构的系统模型有一个关键特性:事件发布信息和监控事件数据由不同通道传递,在模型中重点关注这一特性。
Analysis of Network Performability Based on Relationship of Network States 基于网络状态之间关系的网络的可靠性分析
On The Principle of Performability in Drama Translation 论戏剧翻译的可表演性原则&以《茶馆》的翻译为例
The algorithm considers two important characteristics of project plan including project completion time and precedence relation between activities, and makes the capital expenditure flow satisfy the available capital flow in order to improve performability of project plan. 该算法在满足项目交货期和任务优先约束关系的前提下,使项目计划的支出资金流满足盟主企业的可用资金流的约束,从而增强项目计划的可执行性。
Based on the analysis of the differences between drama other literary genres and drama theatre and through the comparison of the two English versions of The Tea House, the author attempts to demonstrate the feasibility of the principle of performability in drama translation in the paper. 论文从区别戏剧与其他文学形式、戏剧与戏剧艺术出发,通过对《茶馆》的两个译本的比较分析,试图论证关于戏剧翻译的可表演性原则的可行性。
Reliability and Performability Analysis of Internetworks Interface 互连网络接口可靠性性能分析
Finally, this paper pass the calculator to imitate with the method that experiment the test, to the business that whole network traffic performance and performability to proceeds the analysis. 最后,本文通过计算机模拟和实验测试的方法,对整个网络的业务性能和完成性进行了分析。
On the Application of Principle of Performability as Shown in Ying's English Version of Teahouse Cultural Obstacles in Drama Translation 论英若诚译《茶馆》的动态表演性原则戏剧翻译中文化因素的处理&比较《茶馆》的两个英译本
A Performability Model for Grid Monitoring Architecture 网格监控体系结构的一种可执行性模型
To develop the performability model for grid monitoring architecture is helpful to enhance Quality of Service of grid monitoring system. 为网格监控体系结构建立可执行性模型有助于网格监控系统的服务质量提升。
Fi-nally we develop the performability model for grid monitoring architecture using stochastic petri nets and discuss the ap-plication of this model. 用随机Petri网建立网格监控体系结构的可执行性模型并讨论了模型的应用。
Although drama translation is a part of literary translation, it has its own properties because of the requirement of performability. 戏剧翻译虽然是文学翻译的一部分,但是由于戏剧翻译要应用于舞台表演,所以有其自身的特点。
The dynamic decision of manufacturing resources based on BP neural network is realized by integrating CAPP and production planning and control, which can improve the performability of process planning by about one-third. 企业的应用表明,通过CAPP和车间生产计划的集成,基于BP神经网络实现制造资源的动态决策,使得工艺计划的可执行性提高了近1/3。
Drama is not only a literature genre but also a form of art, so it contains two main features& readability and performability. 戏剧不仅是一种文学体裁也是一种艺术形式,它具有可读性和可表演性的双重属性。
Consequently drama translation is supposed to take both aspects into consideration: whether to preserve the source culture properties or adapt to target culture in order to assure performability. 因而戏剧翻译也应将这两方面考虑在内。是将原文本的文化特征全盘保留下来,还是为保证译本的表演性而牺牲传递原语文化因素。
Chapter Three is theoretical framework, distilling four features of drama language indicating stage performability from the thirteen signs of Prague Semiotic School. 第三章为理论框架,从布拉格学派的13种戏剧符号分类中提炼出戏剧语言的四个特性。
But drama, different from other literary genre, is a comprehensive form of art with its unique dualistic nature: performability and readability, which are major hindrance in its translation. 但是戏剧不同于其它文学体裁,它是一门综合艺术形式,有其自己独特的二元特性:可读性和可表演性。而正是这一独特的二元特性掣肘了其翻译的进行。
On this basis a computer modeling and assessment tool is developed to test and analysis the system availability, system performability, the threshold and measured value of MTBF ( Mean Time Between Failure) of the parts. 并据此开发了一个计算机可用性建模与评估工具,以实现对系统可用性、可运行性、部件MTBF(MeanTimeBetweenFailure)的阈值与实测值等多种评测指标的测试与分析。
Finally, we validated the usability of MDA on SWF and performability of workflow script via a typical example in the field of computational chemistry. 最后,通过计算化学领域中的一个典型示范应用验证了应用MDA开发科学工作流程的可用性和所生成工作流脚本的可执行性。
Up to now, there are still disagreements upon the criterion of readability and performability. 至今,在可读性还是可表演性应该作为评价戏剧翻译的重要标准问题上还存在分歧。
It is due to the complicity of the creation of drama that the translation of drama should take the dualistic nature of the translated text into consideration, namely, readability and performability. 正是由于戏剧创作活动的复杂性,戏剧翻译活动也需要综合考虑译文文本的双重属性:可读性和可演性。
Drama translation has not drawn enough attention from translation studies, which may be due to the duality of readability and performability of drama translation ( Baker, 1998). 在翻译界戏剧翻译研究一直没有得到应有的重视,其原因可能就在于戏剧翻译可读性和可表演性的双重性。
Chapter Two tries to focus on the performability of dramatic texts and the importance of it in drama and drama translation. 第二章详细阐述了戏剧文本的表演特性,并指出起在戏剧及戏剧翻译中的重要性。
Due to the fact that dramas are generally translated for stage performance, drama translation bears its unique features: performability and readability. 由于戏剧是一种舞台表演艺术,因此戏剧翻译有其与众不同的特点,即戏剧翻译应当遵循可读性和可演性。
Due to the dual nature of drama, translators are faced with a dilemma: whether to emphasize the literariness of drama, or to ensure its performability. 戏剧的二元性使译者面临一个两难的困境:究竟是要突出戏剧的文学性,还是要保证其可表演性?此外,如何评价戏剧译文也是一个棘手的问题。
The last chapter is a conclusion of the whole thesis. It summarizes the major findings including features of dramatic language and three basic factors that influence the quality of the translation of drama, i.e. intelligibility, performability and the cultural factor. 文章结尾是对全文的总结,主要成果包括戏剧语言的特点和三个影响戏剧翻译质量的基本因素,即可理解性、可演出性和文化因素。
Chapter Five is the conclusion part, pointing out that on the premise of readability, the translation of drama needs to realize performability, which should take both actors and audience into consideration. 第五章为结论,指出戏剧翻译需要在确保可读性的前提下充分体现可演性,可演性的实现要兼顾演员和观众两方面因素,从而扩充了戏剧符号学的理论内涵。