But a spokesman for the Cosmetics, Toiletry and Perfumery Association said the study in sheep did not prove the same effects would be seen in humans. 但据化妆品香氛联合会的一位发言人称,该项以绵羊为实验对象的研究并不能证明这些研究结果在人类身上同样有效。(实习编辑:顾萍)
Oil distilled from flowers of the ilang-ilang tree; used in perfumery. 用伊兰树的花蒸馏得来的油,用于香水中。
Musk is essential to perfumery because it has important elements of diffusion and staying power. 麝香是香水的基本原料,因为它有重要的扩散且持久的功效。
The oil itself, used extensively in perfumery. aromatic resin used in perfume and incense. 香柠檬油香柠檬油,广泛用于制造香料用来制作香水和熏香的芳香树脂。
The problems have been traced to two upstream suppliers of food additives, Yu Shen Chemical and Pin Han Perfumery. 问题已经被追踪到食品添加剂的两个上游供应商,分别是昱伸香料公司和宾汉香料化学公司。
Tropical American thorny shrub or small tree; fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery. 美国热带地区的一种多刺的灌木或小乔木;花黄色,有香味,用于制造香料。
Egypt's Queen Cleopatra showed how to woo members of the opposite sex with it, the French may have perfected it, but it is the Cypriots who can now lay claim to the world's oldest perfumery. 法国人使它的制作技艺臻于完善;而现在塞浦路斯人可以自豪地说自己是世上最古老的香料作坊的主人。
One morning, after the lapse of a week, Marie, in good health, but with a somewhat saddened air, made her appearance at her usual counter in the perfumery. 过了一个礼拜,有天早晨,玛丽又好端端地出现在香水铺原来那个柜台上,只是有点愁眉苦脸罢了。
Oil from root bark of sassafras trees; used in perfumery and as a disinfectant. 檫树属树木的根皮榨出的油,用于香料店中,或作为一种消毒剂。
An odoriferous yellow oil found in orange flowers and used in perfumery and as a flavoring. 见于橙花中的一种香的黄色的油,用于香水中,亦作调味品。
A balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax and used in perfumery and medicine. 安息香从某些安息香属亚洲热带树木中提取的香脂,用在香料和药品中。
Where is the nearest perfumery? 最近的香料店在哪?
The art of perfumery was apparently known to the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Israelites, Carthaginians, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans; references to perfumes are found in the Bible. 古代中国人、印度人、埃及人、以色列人、阿拉伯人、希腊人和罗马人都知道制造香精的工艺,制造香精的参考资料在《圣经》中已有记载。
Hong Kong Chinese investors largely acquired telephone and perfumery businesses, according to data from the organisation. 意中基金会的数据显示,香港的华人投资者大多收购电话和香水企业。
The Cosmetics& Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd is vastly and authoritatively representing members of the industry. 香港化?品同业协会目前是本港最有代表性的业界协会。
Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery. 广霍香精油也被广泛地使用在现代香水中。
Tertiary alkynols are important fine chemicals which have been widely used in producing pharmaceuticals, pesticides, perfumery materials, synthetic materials, and corrosion inhibiter etc. 叔炔醇是生产医药、农药、香料,合成材料的重要精细化学品。
QUALIPAC is a French group, worldwide established and specialized in the manufacturing of plastic packaging for the leading brands in the Perfumery and Cosmetic industry. QUALIPAC是一家法资集团公司,业务遍布全球,专业从事名牌化妆品塑料包装容器制造。
Discuss on Perfume and Application of Magnolia type Perfumery to Soaps 皂用玉兰型香精的调配及应用问题探讨
( I) and ( ⅱ), products of Prins reaction of isolongifolene, are intermediates for preparing perfumery with a pronounced cedarwood-vetiver odour of great tenacity, and amber, clear sage dryout ( V) and(ⅵ). 异长叶烯的Prins反应产物(Ⅰ)和(Ⅱ)是制备具有持久的柏木油和岩兰草油香气,并兼有龙涎香和鼠尾草油香气的香料(Ⅴ)和(Ⅵ)的中间体。
Synthesis of alcohol perfumery and the relation between fragrance characteristics and their structure 醇类香料的合成及其结构与香气特征的关系
Many species from 8 genera of 4 families can be used for producing lichen perfumery products based on the preliminary chemical analysis and evaluation. 根据初步的化学分析和评价,隶属于4个科的8个属的许多种地衣植物均能作为地衣香料植物资源加以开发和利用。
Study of lichen perfumery plant in Guizhou 贵州地衣香料植物研究
According to the market demand for the salted egg yolk flavor, apply the Maillard reaction and perfumery technology to blend a salted egg yolk flavor which can meet the market damand, they also recount different applications and the crop production in details. 根据市场对咸蛋黄香精的要求,运用美拉德反应技术和调香师的调香技术调配出适合市场需要的咸蛋黄香精,并详细叙述了咸蛋黄香精的不同应用及生产中的操作要点。
At present study, the heteropoly acid ( tungsten germanium acid) was used as a catalyst to synthesize the high quality perfumery of isovalerate of cinnamic acid, From the experiments, the suitable condition of esterification was obtained, the esterification rate is 88.2%. 本文用杂多酸(钨锗酸)作催化剂,合成高级香料肉桂酸异戌酯,给出了适宜的酯化工艺条件,此间酯化率为88.20%。
Synthesis of Alkyl-hydroxyl-pyrazine and Its Applicationin Cigarette Perfumery 烷基羟基吡嗪的合成及其在卷烟调香中的应用
The synthesis of the perfumery intermediate& the alpha chloroethyl butyl ether 香料中间体α-氯代乙基丁基醚的合成
In this paper the derivative of reactive β-Cyclodextrin was used as a carrier, the inclusion compound was composed of the carrier and perfumery compound. 采用具有反应活性的β-环糊精的衍生物作为载体,首先使其与香精包合,然后通过接枝的方法对纯棉针织物进行特殊整理,从而达到香味整理的目的。
Eucalyptus essential oil, which is one of the most volatile oil output in the world, is used for medicinal, perfumery and industrial purposes. 桉树挥发油是世界产量最大的精油之一,广泛运用于制药、香料和工业行业。