Clinical observation of intrapericardial chemotherapy fot malignant peri-cardial effusion 心包腔内化疗联合生物反应调节剂治疗恶性心包积液的临床观察
Clinical Observation on Balance of Water and Electrolytes During the Period of Peri-operation of Renal Transplantation 肾移植围手术期水电解质平衡的临床观察
Objective: To investigate the expression of IL-8 in peri-implant crevicular fluid ( PICF) before and after periodontal scaling and rinsing. 目的:观察采用牙周洁治和牙周冲洗对种植体周围组织炎症治疗后,种植体周围龈沟液(PICF)中细胞因子白介素-8(IL-8)的表达变化。
The peri-operation nursing of hip bone fracture in aged patients 高龄患者髋部骨折围手术期护理
The application of radio frequency ablation in dysfunctional uterine bleeding of peri-menopausal period 射频消融术在围绝经期功能性子宫出血中的应用
Applied value of transthoracic echocardiography during peri-occlusion of defective congenital heart disease 经胸超声心动图监测介入封堵治疗缺损性先天性心脏病
Methods Data of 67 patients underwent E-CABG were reviewed for the pre-operative characters, pre-operative preparation, peri-operative treatment and post-operative results. Summarize the characteristic of peri-operative treatment for E-CABG. 方法回顾分析67例E-CABG患者的术前病情、术前准备、围手术期的处理措施及术后随访,总结急诊搭桥围手术期的处理特点。
The peri-operation nursing of dual-chamber pacemaker implantation 双腔心脏起搏器置入术围手术期的护理
Results There were 4 peri-operative complications. 结果围手术并发症4例。
Compared with traditional synthetic technology, peri-od was shorter and the total reaction yield was raised to 88.3% from 79.9%. 此工艺与国内目前采用的传统合成工艺相比,生产周期短,反应总收率从79.9%提高到88.3%。
Conclusion Correct treatment and operation of peri-operation are the key to cure the biliary disease of the aged and reduce the complication so as to bring down the death rate. 结论:正确进行围手术期治疗和手术处理是治疗老年胆道疾病、减小并发症、降低病死率的关键。
Effect of mifepristone on functional uterine hemorrhage in peri-menopausal period Menopausal Symptoms 米非司酮治疗更年期功能性子宫出血临床分析绝经期症状干预效果的临床证据
Conclusion It can obviously improve the curative effect that mifepristone with norethindrone treats dysfunctional uterine bleeding of peri-menopause. 结论米非司酮合用炔诺酮治疗更年期功血,可显著提高疗效。
Study on Some Problems in the Treatment of the Aged Hip Fracture during Peri-operation 老年髋部骨折围手术期处理中几个问题的探讨&附246例分析
Tile last hundred year's development of Northeastern frontier Culture covers three historic periods which can be distinguished from and related to one another. They are semi-colonial period, planning economic peri-od and reform and open-door period. 东北边疆文化近百年的发展历史,可以划分成三个既相区别又有联系的时期:半殖民地殖民地时期、计划经济时期、改革开放时期。
Treatment of Peri-knee C Type Fractures 膝关节周围C型骨折的治疗策略
Advance on depression in with peri-menopausal period 女性围绝经期抑郁新进展
In view of the course of com-mon shaping of the informationization, the construction of Logistics Asset Visualization of our forces has gone into increasing peri-od and its characteristics are system integration and organizational changes. 从信息化一般成长过程来看,我军后勤资产可视化建设已步入增长阶段,其特征是系统集成和组织转型。
Objective: Intra-and peri-articular fracture should be anatomic reduction and firm fixation. 目的:关节部位骨折要求解剖复位,固定牢固。
Levels of Serum Insulin During Peri-Cardiopulmonary Bypass Period in Adult Valve Replacement 成人心脏瓣膜替换术前后血清胰岛素水平的变化
Applied value tissue harmonic imaging in peri-ampulla obstruction 组织谐波成像技术在壶腹周围梗阻的应用价值
As an important section of chinese modern poems, chinese modernism poem tide experienced the original peri-od, the developmental period and the mature period, and pictured a formative cycle of modernism poems. 作为中国新诗重要一支的现代主义诗潮经历了发生期、确立期和成熟期,从而完成了一个现代主义诗歌的生成周期;
Study on Lymphocyte Homing Receptors at Peri-implantation Stage 着床期淋巴细胞归巢受体的研究
Objective To summarize the nursing experiences during peri-operation period in the patients with constrictive pericarditis. 目的总结缩窄性心包炎围手术期的护理经验。
Objective To discuss the causes and preventive measures of the peri-and postoperative complications of interventional therapy in treating Budd-Chiari syndrome ( BCS). 目的探讨BuddChiari综合征(BCS)介入治疗术中及术后并发症发生的原因及预防措施。