The periarterial layer: the cells of this layer surround the artery concentrically; 动脉周围层:此层细胞呈环形围绕结动脉;
Results The expression of IP-10 and MIP-3 α in spleen was mainly in lymphocytes and macrophages in periarterial lymphatic sheaths, marginal zone and red pulp. 结果IP-10和MIP-3α主要在动脉周围淋巴鞘、边缘区、红髓的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞表达。
NGF was mainly distributed in macrophages like and lymphocytes like cells in the outer layer of periarterial lymphocyte sheath ( PALS) of white pulp, marginal zone ( MZ) and red pulp ( RP). NGF主要分布于白髓动脉周围淋巴鞘(PALS)外层、边缘区(MZ)和红髓(RP)的巨噬细胞样和淋巴细胞样细胞;
The results indicate that the T cells are mostly located in the periarterial lymphatic sheath, and in which a few B lymphocytes can be seen. 结果证明,T细胞大多集中在动脉周围淋巴鞘,其中也杂有少数B淋巴细胞。
The splenic corpuscles were enlarged and periarterial lymphatic sheath thickened in spleen. 脾脏中的脾小体亦增大,动脉周围淋巴鞘增厚。
In experiment group, the cortex of thymic lobule, bursa nodule and Periarterial Lymphatic Sheaths thicken obviously; 试验组的胸腺小叶皮质增厚,胸腺小体增多;
Femoral arteries and periarterial tissues in 17 patients with a mass and/ or vascular murmur at the puncture site after PTCA were examined by CDEI. 【方法】17例PTCA术后穿刺部位发现肿块和(或)听诊有血管杂音的患者,采用CDE检查股动脉及其周围组织;
Proliferating of splenic corpuscle and periarterial lymphatic sheath in spleen; 脾小体增多增生、动脉周围淋巴鞘增厚;
The percentage of positive ANAE reaction of lymphocytes in the splenic periarterial lymphatic sheath and splenic corpuscle, the para-cortical zone of lymph node and lymphoid nodule, the cortex and medulla of thymus in the rats with hypothyroidism decreased as compared with the controls. 与对照组相比,甲低级脾动脉周围淋巴鞘和脾小体,淋巴结的副皮质区和淋巴小结,胸腺皮质和髓质等区域的ANAE阳性淋巴细胞百分率降低,甲亢组无明显变化。