Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium in the treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in children Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位
Objective: To explore the indication and experiences of Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium in the treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in children. 目的:探讨Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位的手术适应证及治疗经验。
Conclusion: Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium is an effective method to treat developmental dislocation of the hip in children. 结论:Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术手术疗效满意,为治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位的一种重要术式。