Objective To study the relationship between the position of mandibular wisdom tooth and pericoronitis. 目的探讨下颌第三磨牙的位置与冠周炎发生间的关系。
Clinical Observation about Distinction of Therapeutic Effect in Pericoronitis Treated by Iodophors and Iodoglycerin; 碘伏液与碘甘油用于智齿冠周炎治疗的临床效果。
Observation on curative effect of iodophors to treat patients with pericoronitis of the wisdom tooth in gestational period 碘伏治疗妊娠期智牙冠周炎的疗效观察
Untreated pericoronitis can progress to a much more severe infection. 冠周炎如果不及时治疗,可以恶化形成更严重的感染。
The remedial method with wisdom tooth the most effective pericoronitis? 智齿冠周炎最有效的治疗方法?
Incidence survey on impacted mandibular third molars and pericoronitis of College Students 大学生下颌智齿阻生及冠周炎发病情况调查
Analysis and nursing guidance for patients with pericoronitis 智齿冠周炎患者病因分析及护理对策
Sequential test of ornidazole and dexamethasone paste on the treatment of acute pericoronitis 奥硝唑加地塞米松糊剂治疗急性冠周炎的序贯试验研究
Objective: To study the effects of mentality teaching on pericoronitis treatment. 目的:探讨情绪指导对急性智齿冠周炎治疗的辅助疗效。
Objective: To observe the effect of dexamethasone-ornidazole paste on treating acute pericoronitis. 目的:观察地塞米松和奥硝唑糊剂对急性智齿冠周炎的临床治疗效果。
Obiective To investigate the clinical manifestation of buccal skin fistula induced by pericoronitis and made a therapy principle. 目的分析下颌智齿冠周炎并发颊部皮瘘的临床特点,提出诊治措施。
Correlation study of pericoronitis and position of mandibular wisdom tooth 冠周炎的发生与下颌第三磨牙位置的相关研究
Objective To discuss the cost-effect of two schemes in treating acute pericoronitis. 目的:评价替硝唑在治疗急性化脓性智齿冠周炎中的临床作用。
Objective: To study the clinical curative effect of metronidazole in the local treatment of acute pericoronitis of wisdom tooth. 目的:研究局部应用灭滴灵治疗急性智齿冠周炎的临床疗效。
Objective To explore the clinical effect of local pericoronal rinsing on acute pericoronitis. 目的探讨局部冠周冲洗治疗急性冠周炎的临床疗效。
Methods 22 cases with buccal skin fistula induced by pericoronitis were studied. 方法回顾性分析22例下颌智齿冠周炎所致颊部皮瘘的临床资料。
Therapeutic observation of the local application of tinidazole to the treatment of periodontitis and Pericoronitis 替硝唑局部用药治疗牙周炎和冠周炎的疗效观察
Conclusions: Clindamycin can be considered to be the first choice medicine for treating pericoronitis. 结论:考虑氯林可霉素可作为治疗冠周炎的首选药物。
Comparative study of clinical effects of tinidazole and metronidazole in the treatment of peridontal abscess and pericoronitis 替硝唑和甲硝唑治疗牙周脓肿和冠周炎的疗效比较
Conclusion The iodine glycerin-gelatin sponge is effective for treatment of patients with pericoronitis of the third molar. 结论碘甘油明胶海绵治疗下颌急性智牙冠周炎效果显著,值得临床推广应用。
Conclusion: minocycline hydrochloride ointment is more effective than iodine glycerine used locally in the treatment of pericoronitis. 结论:相对碘甘油,采用盐酸米诺环素软膏进行智齿冠周炎的治疗,具有一定的优越性。
Conclusion The iodoform-metronidazole cataplasm was effective in the treatment of pericoronitis of the third molar. 结论碘仿甲硝唑糊剂治疗智齿冠周炎临床疗效优于碘甘油。
Study on the bacteria culture and drug sensitivity test of pericoronitis of wisdom tooth 智齿冠周炎的细菌培养和药物敏感试验的研究
Study on Local Application of Tinidazole Chitosan Gel in Treatment of Periodontitis and Pericoronitis 替硝唑凝胶缓释剂在牙周炎和冠周炎治疗中的应用
Conclusion: Tinidazole stilus can be applied locally in the treatment of periodontitis and pericoronitis. 结论:局部应用替硝唑棒可明显抑制牙周炎和冠周炎的病原菌。
Application of Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment in Treatment to Wisdom Tooth Pericoronitis 盐酸米诺环素软膏在智齿冠周炎治疗中的作用
Objective To observe the clinical effect of iodine glycerin-gelatin sponge on patients with pericoronitis of the third molar. 目的观察碘甘油明胶海绵治疗下颌急性智牙冠周炎的临床效果。
Objective The study was designed to evaluate the efficiency of tinidazole chitosan gel against peridontitis and pericoronitis. 目的研究局部应用替硝唑凝胶缓释剂对牙周炎和冠周炎临床疗效。
Methods With gelfoam as the carrier, tinidazole was put into periodontal pockets to treat periodontitis and pericoronitis. 方法采用明胶海绵为载体,将替硝唑置于炎症期牙周袋内,观察其对牙周炎与冠周炎疗效。
Pharmacodynamic Research in Vitro and Separation Identification of Anaerobic Bacteria in Periodontitis and Pericoronitis 牙周炎和冠周炎的厌氧菌分离鉴定及体外药效学的研究