Objective: To evaluate the prognostic significance of the number of positive perigastric lymph nodes in patients with gastric cancer. 目的:研究胃周阳性淋巴结数目在胃癌预后中的意义。
Perigastric and gastric tumor cells necrosis, vascular inflammation, endothelial edema, intravascular coagulations were observed in GAE group. 组织学检查发现GAE组胃癌细胞及胃脂肪淋巴组织中癌细胞变性坏死明显,肿瘤血管炎症、内膜增厚、毛细血管血栓形成。
Results: Irregular and localized thickening of the stomach wall ( mean thickness 2 6cm) were demonstrated by stomach-filling CT scan in 26 patients with advanced gastric carcinoma, in which 81% patients had perigastric involvement. 26例进展期胃癌表现为胃壁局限性不规则增厚,厚度平均为2.6cm。胃外扩散占81%。
Evaluation of Perigastric Varices with 16-Detector Row CT Portography 16排螺旋CT门静脉成像对胃周侧支循环研究
Among these 12 patients, there were 8 patients underwent 18F-FDG coincidence scan to reveal perigastric lymph node, liver, lung or retroperitoneum lymph node involvement at 1 site or more metastases. 12例中,有8例通过18F-FDG显像确诊有胃局部淋巴结、肝脏、肺、腹膜后淋巴结等1处或1处以上转移。
Cases had perigastric lymph note metastasis ( 2.6%). 胃周淋巴结转移2例(2.6%)。
Classic D2 radical resection has claimed high requirements for perigastric lymph node dissection. 以D2根治术为代表的胃癌根治性手术对胃周淋巴结清扫提出了较高的要求。