Conclusion: The GFP gene inoculated through the semicircular canal approach lies mostly in the vestibule and the perilymphatic space and causes little effect on the hearing threshold and the vestibular function. 结论:经半规管转导基因主要分布在前庭器官及外淋巴间隙,对耳蜗功能影响不大,是一种可行的途径;
The safe flow rate of artificial perilymphatic perfusion in guinea pig cochlea 豚鼠耳蜗灌注的流速安全阈
The Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Perilymphatic Fistula 外淋巴瘘的病因、诊断与治疗
After SNP perilymphatic perfusion, EP, CAP and CM went up transiently and then declined gradually and remained at a lower level. Addition of NMLA did not reverse the changes. 外淋巴灌流硝普钠后,EP、CAP及CM短暂升高后逐渐下降,并维持在较低水平。
The effect of perilymphatic fistula on distortion product otoacoustic emissions of guinea pigs 外淋巴瘘对豚鼠畸变产物耳声发射的影响
Experimental study of perilymphatic fistula to inner ear damage 外淋巴瘘对内耳损害的实验研究
A Method of Artificial Perilymphatic Solution Perfusion in Vivo in Cochleas of Guinea Pigs 在体耳蜗外淋巴灌流方法
Hair cell apoptosis and hearing loss of perilymphatic fistula Experimental study of perilymphatic fistula to inner ear damage 外淋巴瘘的毛细胞凋亡与听力损伤外淋巴瘘对内耳损害的实验研究
Influence of Experimental Perilymphatic Fistula on the Inner Ear Morphology 实验性外淋巴瘘对内耳形态学的影响
Technical Improvement of Perilymphatic Perfusion and Observation on the Function and Morphology in Guinea Pig Cochlea 豚鼠外淋巴灌流实验技术的改进及耳蜗功能和形态学观察
Relationship Between Summating Potentials and Perilymphatic Fistula 总和电位与外淋巴瘘的关系
Red blood cells in CSF can reach perilymphatic space through the cochlear canal, and widely distribute in scalae tympani and scala vestibuli after lateral ventricle puncture. 侧脑室穿刺后,脑脊液中红细胞可经耳蜗导管到达外淋巴,并随外淋巴纵行流动广泛分布到各转鼓阶和前庭阶。