Value of blue-on-yellow perimetry of macular program in the early diagnosis of glaucoma 黄斑程序蓝/黄视野检查在青光眼早期诊断中的作用
Comparison of white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry on visual field loss in glaucoma patients 标准白色视野与蓝/黄视野检测不同阶段青光眼视野的对比研究
If anything looks abnormal, the doctor will measure the extent of your visual field by a painless method called perimetry. 如果有什么看起来异常,医生会让你做无痛性的视野检查来测量你视野的范围。
Effect of eye testing order on automated perimetry results using the swedish interactive threshold algorithm standard 24-2 检测眼顺序对瑞典交互式阈值运算标准24-2程序检测自动视野的影响
A referential norm of blue/ yellow perimetry threshold for normal population 正常人群蓝、黄视野阈值的参考标准
As a testing method of visual function, perimetry is important tool to the diagnosis, selection of treatment and follow up of glaucoma. 视野检查作为视功能检测的一种方法,在青光眼的诊断、指导治疗、追踪随访中占有重要地位。
Perimetry change of primary chronic glaucoma after intraocular pressure reduction 眼压降低后原发性慢性青光眼视野的变化
Application of Octopus combined with perimetry in occipital lobe lesion Octopus联合视野检查在枕叶病变中的应用
Objective To assess the value of blue-on-yellow perimetry in the diagnosis of early open-angle glaucoma. 目的探讨蓝/黄视野计与标准白色视野计检查在原发性开角型青光眼早期诊断中的价值。
The design of motion perception perimetry and its clinical application 运动觉视野检测方法的建立和临床应用
Reliability of the first eye and second eye in frequency doubling technology perimetry 第一眼和第二眼的倍频视野计检查的可靠性
Poly-static quantitative perimetry for detection of open angle glaucoma 多点静态定量视野计检查开角型青光眼
Application of perimetry in the diagnosis of early glaucoma 视野检查在青光眼早期诊断中的应用
Clinical application of objective perimetry using multifocal visual evoked potentials in glaucoma practice 运用多焦视诱发电位检测客观视野在青光眼诊治中的临床应用
Conclusions Automated perimetry can provide a reliable result in most suspect glaucoma eyes. 结论多数疑似青光眼患者自动静态视野随诊检查结果可靠,少数不可靠的视野检测结果属偶然现象;
Methods: Eighteen patients ( 29 eyes) with neuropathy were tested by color motion perception perimetry and automatic perimetry respectively, and compared with 60 eyes normal. 方法:分别利用彩色运动觉视野和计算机自动视野,检查18例视神经病变患者(29眼)的运动觉和光敏感度阈值功能,并与60眼正常值进行比较。
Those statistic softwares provided by automatic perimetry should be used adequately. 视野随访分析时应充分运用计算机自动视野计提供的统计分析软件。
Visual acuity, perimetry, P-VEP and CSF were performed in the two groups at the first view. 两组患者初诊时皆查视力、视野、P-VEP及对比敏感度。
Conclusion Blue/ yellow perimetry analysis is an ideal method in early diagnosis of primary glaucoma. 结论蓝黄视野分析是一种可靠、准确、简便,更适合早期青光眼诊断的方法。
Effect of posterior capsular opacification removal on automated perimetry 后囊混浊去除对自动视野检查结果的影响
Scanning laser entoptic perimetry for the detection of visual defects associated with diabetic retinopathy 扫描激光内视型视野检查法在检测糖尿病视网膜病变相关视力损害中的作用
The rate of abnormality was higher in static perimetry compared with P VEP. 静态视野检出异常率高于PVEP。
Relationship between indices of Frequency Double Technique perimetry and Octopus perimetry in Glaucoma 青光眼中倍频视野检查与Octopus视野检查的相关性
Objective: Discussing the relation between the dangerous factors of glaucoma and the change of the centric threshold perimetry. 目的:探讨发生青光眼危险因素与中心阈值视野改变的关系。
Studies of frequency doubling perimetry in detection of glaucomatous visual field loss 倍频视野计检测青光眼性视野缺损能力的研究
Objective: To design color motion perception perimetry method and to observer the change of motion perception from neuropathy. 目的:建立彩色运动觉视野检查方法,观察视神经病变患者运动觉的变化。
Objective signs of photoreceptor displace ment by binocular correspondence perimetry: A study of epiretinal membranes 双眼对应视野检查法中光感受器移位的客观表现:一项视网膜前膜研究
Automated flicker perimetry in glaucoma using Octopus 311: A comparative study with the Humphrey Matrix 使用Octopus311进行青光眼的自动闪烁视野检查:一项使用HumphreyMatrix视野计的比较性研究
Perimetry plays a very important role in ophthalmology medical care. With the development of electronic technology, the application and development of automatic vision tester have become more and more widely. 视野检查在眼科医疗中起着非常重要的作用,伴随着电子技术的发展,自动视野检查仪得到越来越广泛的应用和发展。