Results Of 73 patients with acute ureterolithiasis, eight had no perinephric edema at CT, 41 had limited edema and 24 had extensive edema. 结果8例无明显肾周水肿,41例局限性肾周水肿,24例广泛性肾周水肿。
Results In the control group, there were 62 cases with enlargement of renal volume, 36 cases with perinephric hematoma, 32 cases with echogenic change of renal parenchyma, and the accuracy of ultrasonographic diagnosis was 62%. 结果常规组:肾体积增大62例,肾周血肿36例,肾实质声像图改变32例,超声诊断率为62%;
Right perinephric space effusion extend to the bare area of the live. 右侧肾周间隙积液向上可至肝裸区。
Objective To comprehend manifestations of CT images in the kidney and the perinephric space with acute ureteral obstruction caused by the ureterolithiasis. 目的了解输尿管结石所致的急性输尿管梗阻时的肾脏及肾周间隙的CT表现。
After the retroperitoneal space was dilated, the perinephric fascia was opened longitudinally near the diaphragm. The adipose tissues around the upper polar of the kidney and the adrenal gland were dissected. 扩张后腹膜间隙成功后,紧靠膈下纵形切开肾周筋膜,肾周筋膜内分离肾上极和肾上腺周围的脂肪组织,超声刀或电刀在肾表面分离肾脏上极和肾上腺。
Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of spontaneous renal subcapsular hemorrhage. Spontaneous renal subcapsular or perinephric haematoma 目的:探讨自发性肾包膜下血肿的诊治方法。自发性肾包膜下和肾周血肿的诊断与治疗
Ultrasound analysis of perinephric edema associated with acute ureterolithiasis 输尿管结石伴肾周积液超声分析
Conclusion Perinephric edema is a important CT finding of ureteral obstruction in patients with acute ureterolithiasis. 结论肾周水肿是急性输尿管结石梗阻的重要CT征象。
Spontaneous Rupture of the Kidney with Perinephric and Subcapsular Renal Hemorrhage: Evaluation with CT and DSA 自发性肾破裂致肾包膜下和肾周出血的CT与DSA分析
There were 9 cases of urinary infection, in whom one got nephrectomy because of perinephric abscess. 泌尿系感染9例,1例术后1月复查为左肾周脓肿行肾切除术。
CT Features and Anatomic Bases of the Perinephric Space Effusion 肾周间隙积液的CT表现及解剖学基础
Spontaneous renal subcapsular or perinephric haematoma 自发性肾包膜下和肾周血肿的诊断与治疗
Materials and Methods The features of the kidney and the perinephric space in 26 cases with acute ureteral obstruction cases caused by the ureterolithiasis detected with CT and Ultrasound were analyzed. 资料与方法对26例经CT及B超扫描显示输尿管结石所致急性输尿管梗阻患者的肾脏、肾周间隙的CT征象进行观察和分析。
Results: Of the 39 cases, there were 16 cases of renal subcapsular hematoma, 10 cases had intrarenal hematoma, 16 cases perinephric hematoma, 1 case had laceration of renal parenchyma. 结果:39例中肾包膜下血肿16例,肾内血肿10例,肾周血肿16例,肾撕裂1例。
For the peripelvic renal cysts, if the cyst wall was resected incomplete, perinephric fat can be filled in cysts cavity to avoid the recurrence of cysts. 对于囊壁切除不全的肾盂周围囊肿,用肾周脂肪填塞囊腔,以防止复发。
CT Appearances of Kidney and Perinephric Space with Acute Ureteral Obstruction 急性输尿管梗阻时肾脏及肾周间隙的CT表现
CT Findings of the Perinephric Space with Acute Ureterolithiasis 急性输尿管结石的肾周间隙CT表现
Results Edema of the kidney and the perinephric space was presented in all of 26 cases. 结果26例患者均有肾脏及肾周间隙水肿性的改变。
Results Marginal irregularity of the kidney was displayed on plain spiral CT in 33 cases, subcapsular hematoma in 14 cases, and perinephric hemorrhage in 13 cases, renal contusion in 16 cases, renal avulsion in 7 cases. 结果CT平扫,33例表现为肾轮廓不规则,肾包膜下血肿14例,肾周血肿13例,肾挫伤16例,肾撕裂伤7例;
Objective To assess the diagnosing and treating value of interventional ultrasound in renal tuberculosis complicated with nephrapostasis and perinephric abscess, complicated with nephrapostasis and perinephric abscess. 目的探讨介入性超声在肾结核并发脓肿及肾周脓肿中的诊断和治疗价值。
Urine leakage occurred in one case and was cured by indwelling urinary catheter and perinephric drainage tube. Conclusions: Both m-PCNL and RLU are safe and effective surgical procedures for upper ureteral calculi. 术后1例出现漏尿,经留置尿管及肾周引流管后治愈。结论:m-PCNL和RLU均是治疗输尿管上段结石安全有效的手术方法。