HRP was used to retrogreadingly label somas of the regenerative axon in rat4 or9 weeks after its sciatic nerve was repaired with epineurial suture, perineurial suture or nerve grafting in situ. HRP逆行标记大鼠坐骨神经外膜缝合,束膜缝合或神经原位移植后4周和9周的再生轴突胞体,光镜下观测标记胞体的配布、数量和直径。
These results suggest that in the early stages of nerve regeneration endogenous laminin and fibronectin not only regulate the growth of regenerating nerve fibers, but also exert a positive influence on perineurial cells and macrophages both of which play important roles in nerve tissue injury and repair. 这些结果提示在神经再生的早期,内源性Laminin和Fibronectin不但调节再生神经纤维的生长,对在神经损伤和再生中起重要作用的巨噬细胞和成纤维细胞也有积极的影响。
In one group, the proximal end of peroneal nerve was turned back and ligated, the distal end was sutured to the side of tibial nerve with perineurial window. 端侧吻合组近端反转结扎,远端与胫神经外膜开窗处行端侧吻合。
A study on the adaptive mechanism of peripheral nerve to gradual limb lengthening: observation on the perineurial barrier and vascular permeability 周围神经适应缓慢牵伸的机制研究&兔胫后神经血-神经屏障及束膜屏障观察
The Junctions between Human Perineurial Cells 人神经束膜细胞间的连接
Conclusion: Hypothermia anastomosis leads to retraction of nerve papilla in that situation complete perineurial or epineurial anastomosis can be made so that the high quality of this anastomosis can be obtained. 结论:低温下进行神经吻合,能使神经乳头回缩,能实施纯粹的神经外膜或束膜吻合,从而达到吻合质量的提高。
The perineurial cells of the small nerve branch of the normal human abdominal wall are observed with electron microscope. The fibrous long-spacing bodies ( FLS) are found within the interstitial substance of the endoneurium. 本文报道在电镜下观察了正常人腹壁神经小分支的神经束膜细胞的超微结构,并在神经内膜间质中发现了纤维性长间距体(FLS)。
The perineurial canalicular system in human 人神经束膜小管系统
Some problems, such as the role of the perineurial cells, the relationship of FLS bodies with basement membrane, are briefly discussed. 本文并对神经束膜细胞可能的作用、FLS体与基膜的关系、FLS体的横纹周期问题进行了讨论。
Immunohistochemical detection of actin and myosin in human perineurial cells. A light and electron microscope study 人神经束膜细胞中肌球蛋白和肌动蛋白的光镜和电镜免疫组织化学研究
The perineurial cells are squamous in shape and the cytoplasm contains microfilaments and pinocytotic vesicles. However, the growing in the number of pinocytotic vesicle lessen in 48h to 72h after injury. 束膜细胞呈扁平样排列,胞质内有丰富的微丝和吞饮小泡,基膜明显而连续。伤后48~72h吞饮小泡增多减弱;
Wistar rats ( close cloned strain) were used to investigate the effects of endogenous laminin and fibronectin on axons, Schwann cells and perineurial cells in regenerating peripheral nerves. 本文用近交克隆系(Closecloned)大鼠研究了内源性Laminin和Fibronectin对周围神经的再生轴突及非神经元的雪旺氏细胞、成纤维细胞等的作用和影响。
Ultrastructure of perineurial cells and fibrous long-spacing bodies ( fls) in endoneurium of normal human peripheral nerve 正常人周围神经内膜中的纤维性长间距体及神经束膜细胞的超微结构
The unilateral peroneal nerve of every rat was transected randomly and the distal end sutured to the side of tibial nerve with perineurial window by an end-to-side way; 每组大鼠均随机切断一侧腓总神经,与胫神经外膜开窗处行端侧吻合,另一侧作为正常对照。
Treatment of Serious Nerve Entrapment Syndrome by Perineurial Incisional Decompression of the Nerve 神经束膜切开术治疗严重的神经卡压症
Objective To evaluate the effect of limb lengthening on the perineurial barrier and vascular permeability of peripheral nerve. 目的观察缓慢牵伸胫骨延长对兔胫后神经束膜屏障及毛细血管屏障的影响。
Injuries of peripheral nerves are a common clinical problem. There have been significant advances so far in peripheral nerve repair, including the introduction of microsurgical technique, tension-free repair by epineurial or perineurial suture and histochemical or immunohistochemical methods for motor and sensory fibers. 周围神经损伤平战时常见,尽管周围神经修复技术已经有了长足的进步,包括显微外科技术、外膜或束膜无张力缝合、采用组织化学或免疫组化进行运动和感觉功能束的定位等。