Results Comparing to the regular group, the periodontopathy group has outstanding differences on age, the injury of buccal parenchyma, the type and number of tooth dropped, tooth broken and fracture of den to-alveolar. 结果牙周病组与正常组相比,在年龄、口腔软组织损伤、脱落牙齿种类及个数、牙齿折断及牙槽突骨折存在显著性差异;
Conclusion The preservative treatment and function restoration of residual crowns and roots is an ideal treatment methods, but following conditions are necessary: ① periodontopathy and periapical disease can be thoroughly cured; 结论残根残冠的保存治疗及功能性修复是一种理想的治疗方法,但应具备以下几个条件:①能彻底治愈的牙周病和根尖周病;
Infectional experiment in animals and drug-sensitivity test on a new genus of periodontopathy pathogenic bacterium 致牙周病一新菌属(Stomatostreptococcus)的动物感染试验与药敏试验
Clinical observation of two kinds of removable periodontal splint to treat periodontopathy 两种可摘式牙周夹板治疗牙周病的临床观察
Results: As time went on, the masticatory efficiency rised gradually in the patients with denture defect and periodontopathy. This figure was close to natural dentition. 结果:重度牙周病伴牙列缺损患者咀嚼效能随义齿使用时间的延长逐渐提高,修复后6个月的咀嚼效能接近正常牙列者的咀嚼效能。