Feeding and nursing the infant with cleft lip and palate perioperatively 先天性唇腭裂患儿修补术前后的喂养护理
Evaluation of Perioperatively Changes of Left Ventricular Motions in Children with Congenital Heart Disease by VSI 心肌矢量应变力评价先心病患儿手术前后左室壁运动变化
Objective To evaluate the extent of myocardial injury during operation and the recovery postoperatively and to investigate cardiac enzyme changes of congenital heart diseases perioperatively. 目的深入揭示先天性心脏病患者心肌酶围术期变化的规律,更全面了解心肌受缺血影响的程度和恢复的情况。
Immune Function Condition of Patients with Gastric Cancer and Function Changes Perioperatively 胃癌患者免疫功能状态及手术前后免疫功能变化的研究
Objective: Research about special feeding and nursing method for infant with cleft lip and palate perioperatively. 目的:研究先天性唇腭裂患儿手术前后的特殊喂养护理。
Value of serum cholinesterase activity in evaluating liver reserve function perioperatively 围手术期血清胆碱酯酶测定评估肝储备的意义
High-dose Vitamin A ( perioperatively) may counteract the inhibitory effect of corticosteroid on small bowel anastomotic healing. 高剂量维生素A(术前或术后给药)可消除皮质类固醇对小肠吻合口愈合的延迟作用。
TIA occurred in one patient and cranial nerve injury in 2 patients perioperatively. 围手术期有1例短暂性脑缺血发作和2例术后颅神经损伤。
Objective To study the method of the artificial thigh bone permutation perioperatively for advanced age. 目的探讨高龄人工股骨头置换术围手术期的治疗方法。
Relationship of Cardiac Vagus Activity on cardiac Output and End-tidal CO2 Tension Occurring Perioperatively with Cardiopulmonary Bypass 体外循环围术期心脏迷走神经活动与心排量和呼气末CO2关系
Objective To investigate the effect of perioperatively psychological intervention on the advanced COPD patients who received lung volume reduction surgery ( LVRS). 目的探讨围手术期心理干预对肺减容手术(LVRS)治疗晚期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的影响。
Objective To study the methods and skill of carotid endarterectomy ( CEA) for reducing the stroke incidence perioperatively and restenosis of carotid artery after operation. 目的探讨颈动脉内膜切除剥脱术(CEA)的手术方法及技巧,以降低围手术期脑卒中发生率及术后再狭窄发生率。
Changes of serum TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-2 levels perioperatively in patients with breast cancer 乳腺癌患者血清肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素6和白细胞介素2水平的变化及其临床意义
Conclusion The key of decreasing mortality rate is correct treatment perioperatively, especially early of course of disease. 结论降低死亡率的关键在于围手术期的正确处理,特别是病程早期。
Conclusion Children with congenital choledochal cyst were emergency, deteriorated quickly and mostly associated with hepatic dysfunction, so supporting therapy should be enhanced perioperatively. 结论先天性胆总管囊肿发病患儿起病急,病情发展快,易合并肝脏损害,应加强围手术期支持治疗;
As a result, administration of drugs and mechanical measures have been employed perioperatively to protect the cardiac muscle so as to prevent or reduce the myocardial ischemia and ensure the safety of the operation. 为此,在冠状动脉成形术的围手术期,人们采用了药物或机械性心肌保护的方法,以阻遏或降低冠状动脉成形术时球囊扩张诱导的心肌缺血,保障手术的安全性。
To study the action of angelica on immune function in patients with obstructive jaundice, we treated the patients with angelica perioperatively ( total 14 days), and measured the activity of IL 2 and expression of IL 2R in blood lymphocyte. 为探讨当归围手术期对阻塞性黄疸患者的免疫调节作用,用当归注射液围手术期对患者进行治疗(共14天),观察其外周血淋巴细胞IL-2活性及IL-2R表达的变化。
Blood neutrophils count, TNF α, MDA, from the right and left atrium; lung fluid volume, lung ultrastructure in both groups were determined perioperatively. 对实验动物左右心房血液中中性粒细胞计数,TNFα和MDA的含量,肺组织含水量和超微结构进行观察。
Conclusion: High dose of MP used perioperatively on thoracic stenosis can protect spinal cord. 结论:围手术期应用大剂量MP对胸椎管狭窄症患者的脊髓功能有保护作用。
Blood neutrophils count, TNF-α, MDA from the right and left atrium in the four groups were determined perioperatively. 测定各组围CPB期左、右心房血液中中性粒细胞计数,肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)和丙二醛(MDA)的含量。
Lung dynamic compliance and PaO_2/ FiO_2 which stands for oxygen changing rate; blood neutrophils count, TNF-α, MDA from the right and left atrium in both groups were determined perioperatively. 测定各组围CPB期肺动态顺应性和反映氧交换效率的指标PaO2/FiO2,呼吸机辅助时间,同时测定左、右心房血液中中性粒细胞计数,TNF-α和MDA的含量。
The significance of increased sIL 2R in serum of patients with lung cancer perioperatively sIL-2R在肺癌患者围手术期血清中的表达
Measurements of respiratory compliance, resistance and breathing work were performed by BICORE CP-100 monitor perioperatively. 在围术期用BicoreCP-100呼吸功能监测仪监测胸肺顺应性、气道阻力、呼吸功等呼吸动力学指标的变化。
Clinical Study on Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting during Children Anesthesia with Ketamine Perioperatively with Ondansetron 恩丹西酮预防小儿氯胺酮麻醉围术期恶心呕吐的临床研究
Supplementary therapy perioperatively in patients treated with cervical open surgery. 颈椎开放手术的围手术期治疗。
Methods Nursing techniques specific to interventional therapy were employed perioperatively in 209 patients who received PCI via radial artery. 方法对209例经桡动脉PCI的患者围手术期采用全程特别介入护理技术。结果全组均顺利通过手术治疗,无1例发生严重并发症。