Methods: 106 patients with perioral dermatitis were enrolled in the study.89 cases infected with HP were divided into two groups. 方法:观察就诊106例口周皮炎患者幽门螺杆菌感染情况,HP阳性患者分为两组,观察抗HP治疗对口周皮炎的影响。
A portable multi-channel instrument is developed for measuring perioral force, which is based on micro electronic technology and automatic control techniques. 本研究应用成熟的微电子技术和自动控制技术,研制开发了一种小型的多通道的口周力测量仪器。
Development of a Perioral Intramuscular Force Sensor based on Metal Cantilever Beam 金属悬臂粱式口周肌压力传感器的研制
A Study of the Perioral Forces Measuring and Related to Occlusion 口周力的测量及与牙颌形态的相关性研究
Objective: To summarize experiences of nursing care of malignant brain neurogliocytoma patients undergoing perioral temozolomide as chemotherapy. 总结恶性脑胶质瘤病人口服化疗药物替莫唑胺的护理体会。
Perioral muscle pressure is a kind of force acting on dental arch from surrounding soft tissues, such as lip, cheek, tongue, and muscles. 口周力是指牙弓周围软组织即唇、颊、舌肌肉对牙弓的压力,已成为了口腔基础研究的重要课题之一。
A Study of Computer-aided Oral Biomechanical Force Measuring System and the Values of Perioral Force Exerted on the Teeth in Preadolescent Children with Anterior Crossbite 计算机辅助口周力测量系统的建立及替牙期前牙反(牙合)口周力研究
Establishment of the Perioral Muscle Pressure Measuring System and Study of Cheek and Tongue Pressures Following Rapid Maxillary Expansion 上颌快速扩弓的口周力研究
Methods: The pressure of cheek and tongue on mandibular and maxillar first molars was measured with a computer aided perioral force measuring system in 16 patients ( 8 male and 8 famale) with constrictive maxillary arch. 方法:用新型计算机辅助口周力测量系统对16名上颌牙弓狭窄患者上下颌第一磨牙颊侧、舌侧进行口周力测量。
It is more than one hundred years since Tomes initially put forward the concept of perioral muscle pressure and the Equilibrium Theory. 自从1873年Tomes首次提出了口周力的概念以及牙弓内外肌压力平衡理论以来,至今已有一百多年的历史了。
A study of relationship between constrictive maxillary arch and perioral muscle pressure 上颌牙弓狭窄与口周力的相关性研究
Interferon α-2b Solution External Application to Treat Patients With Perioral Simple Herpes α-2b干扰素液外涂治疗口周单纯疱疹
Conclusion: The perioral force in t he patients with skeletal crossbite is larger than that in the health subjects, the muscle pressure on the labial side of mandibular incisors was the largest. 结论:牙颌形态影响口周肌压力的大小,骨性反牙合患者口周肌压力的最显著的特征为姿势位时下切牙唇侧肌压力值最大。
Study of Perioral Muscle Pressure with Tongue Thrust 异常吞咽方式口周力的研究
Density of Demodex folliculorum in perioral dermatitis 口周皮炎的毛囊脂螨密度
Epithelial barrier function and atopic diathesis in rosacea and perioral dermatitis 酒渣鼻和口周皮炎患者的遗传过敏性素质和皮肤屏障功能
Study on the correlation of helicobacter pylori infection with perioral dermatitis 口周皮炎与幽门螺杆菌感染的相关性观察
AIM: To study the changes of perioral muscle pressure in the patients with skeletal crossbite before and after orthodontic and surgical treatment. 目的:研究正畸正颌联合治疗成人骨性反牙合后的口周力变化,了解口周肌压力与牙颌形态的相关性。