Applied anatomy on repairing the nonunion of phalanx with vascularized periosteal flap pedicled with proper palmar digital arteries 指掌侧固有动脉蒂骨膜瓣转移修复指骨骨不连的应用解剖
Objective: To provide anatomical basis of transposing pedicled periosteal ( bone) flaps for operation design of repairing nonunion, defect and necrosis around shoulder joint. 目的:为肩部带血管蒂骨膜(骨)瓣移位治疗肩关节周围骨不连、骨缺损、肱骨头缺血性坏死的术式设计提供解剖学依据。
In12 cases there are a little periosteal reaction; 12例出现少量的骨膜反应;
Periosteal reaction is divided two type-bone osteogenesis and bone absorption. 本组病例所发生的骨反应可分为两类,既增生类和吸收类。
The Preliminary Study on Repair and Mechanism of Cleft Palate Through Osteogenesis by Periosteal Distraction 腭裂骨膜牵张成骨修复与机理的初步研究
Treatment of nonunion of tibia with superficial peroneal vascular fascia pedicel tibiofibular periosteal flap 腓浅血管筋膜蒂胫腓骨膜瓣治疗胫骨骨不连
Isolation, culture and biological characteristics of human periosteal osteoblasts 人胚胎骨骨膜来源成骨细胞的分离培养与生物学特性
Note the rupture of the periosteal sleeve and complete rupture of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments. 记录骨膜外壳破裂及斜方和圆锥韧带完全断裂。
Progress in Using Free Autogenous Periosteal Grafts to Repair Articular Cartilage Defects 自体游离骨膜移植修复关节软骨缺损的研究进展
Experimental Study of Free Periosteal Autograft ⅰ. Age of Animals and Osteogenesis of Periosteum 自体骨膜游离移植的实验研究Ⅰ:动物年龄与骨膜成骨
There is an area of bone destruction accompanied by partial calcification, with no periosteal reactive new bone. 骨组织局部破坏并伴有钙化,没有骨膜反应性新生骨。
Results CT best demonstrates trabecular and cortical bone involvement, periosteal reaction and matrix calcifications and ossifications. 结果:CT很好的显示骨小梁和皮质骨侵犯,骨膜反应和基质的钙化、骨化。
Are you trying to break down the periosteal surface of the bone. 你是想要把骨膜从骨头表面弄掉。
Objective To study the efficacy of New Reconstituted Bone Xenograft ( NRBX) used alone and combined use of NRBX and vascularized periosteal graft in repairing segmental bony defects. 目的探讨治疗节段性骨缺损新方法一新型重组合异种骨(NRBX)与带血循骨膜联合移植方法的效果。
Experimental study of periosteal osteogenesis in promoting repair of mandibular defect in rabbits 骨膜原位成骨促进兔下颌骨缺损修复的研究
Objective: To explore the possibility of vascularized periosteal flap to repair the defect of articular cartilage defect. 目的:设计带血供的骨膜瓣转位修复兔关节软骨缺损,以探索小动脉血管蒂骨膜瓣修复关节软骨的可能性。
There were enhancement in areas of edema within bone marrow and adjacent soft tissue and periosteal reaction. 骨髓水肿、骨膜反应和软组织肿胀均强化。
The bone cutaneous branches of posterior interosseous artery anastomosed with periosteal vessels of exposed area of midpiece of radius. 骨间后动脉桡侧骨皮支与桡骨中段裸区骨膜血管吻合。
Methods: The anatomical study of donor of bone flap and periosteal flap of extremities were synthesized. 方法:综合作者近年新发掘的四肢骨瓣、骨膜瓣新供区的解剖学资料,针对性地设计了常用的移位术式。
OBJECTIVE To study microvascular reconstruction in periosteal transplantation for repairing bone defect. [目的]探讨骨膜移植修复骨缺损过程中微血管的重建。
Conclusion Periosteal distraction osteogenesis can provide a novel technique for the repair of bone defects. 结论骨膜牵张成骨技术能够为骨缺损的修复提供一种新的方法。
Group A: The fracture site were treated with vascularized periosteal flaps. A组单纯用带血管的骨膜瓣包绕骨折端;
There is a continuous arterial anastomosis in the periosteal network on the non-articular surface of the tibia. 在胫骨非关节面区域的周围,组成一个连续的骨膜动脉网。
An elbow arthroplasty by parallel lower-lateral humeral and proximal-dorsol ulnar periosteal flaps pedicled with radial recurrent artery was designed. 设计以桡侧返动脉升支为蒂的肱骨下段外侧和尺骨上段背侧并联骨膜瓣为间隔物的肘关节形成术。
The periosteal flap of iliac bone pedicled with iliac crest branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery. 以旋股外侧动脉升支髂嵴支为蒂髂骨骨膜瓣,转位修复附近关节的软骨缺损。
Objective: To provide anatomic basis for designs of vascularized bone or periosteal flaps in dorsal wrist. 目的:为腕部背侧带血管蒂骨(膜)瓣的设计提供解剖学基础。
Objective: To provide a new kind of donor of periosteal flap for repairing the humerus nonunion. 目的:为治疗肱骨干骨不连提供一种新的骨膜瓣供区。
Objective To provide a new donor of the periosteal flap to repair defects in knee articular cartilage. 目的为修复膝关节软骨缺损提供一个新的骨膜瓣供区。
The operative method was open reduction, inner or external fixation with vascularized periosteal flap transfer. 手术方式为开放复位,内或外固定及应用带血管蒂骨膜瓣移位覆盖骨断端。
Objective To study the morphological characteristic of human periosteal cells cultivated in vitro. 目的研究体外培养的骨膜细胞的形态学特征。