
网络  门脉三角区周围; 门脉周围; 门部扩展到汇管区; 门静脉周围的; 门静脉周的



  1. Endogenous ketogenesis was1.3-times higher in the perivenous zone than in periportal hepatocytes.
  2. Zonation of ketone body and glucose metabolism was studied in hepatocyte preparations enriched with cells from the periportal or the perivenous zone of the liver lobule.
  3. Out of the 18 cases, TTV DNAs was detected in 8 cases ( 44.4%), in which the positive cells were scattered in the intralobular areas and more aggregated in the periportal and necrotic areas.
  4. Duplex Doppler Sonography for Caroli's Diseases "Periportal Fibrosis Type"
  5. Stimulation of gluconeogenesis by administration of gluconeogenic substrates resulted in 1.7-2.1-times higher rates of glucose synthesis in the periportal cells than in perivenous hepatocytes.
  6. Conclusions The oval cells originate from bile duct of the periportal regions.
  7. Results: All the MR images of 13 patients showed widening of periportal space with diffuse abnormal long T_1 long T_2 signal;
  8. To detect the telomerase and vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF) activity in liver of mice with advance stage of schistosomiasis japonica and to discuss the relationship between periportal cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma.
  9. This hepatic progenitor cells located in periportal areas, fiber spacing, periportal zone adjacent hepatic parenchyma, and inflammatory pseudo-lobular borders.
  10. Were seen scattered in the lamivudine therapy mouse liver periportal lymphocyte infiltration, fibrous tissue hyperplasia, with mild fatty degeneration of liver cells around the central vein.
  11. Obvious liver structure of rats in model group, hepatic lobule structure was not clear, liver cells arranged in disorder, liver cell degeneration, necrosis, hepatic periportal inflammatory cell infiltration, liver cell diffuse vacuolar degeneration.
  12. Modeled after the saline group: diffuse large areas of necrosis, cell lysis, the lobular structure obscure, lobular and periportal inflammatory cell infiltration mainly by lymphocytes and macrophages, residual edema and degeneration of liver cells, There were no significant changes with the model group.