Results CT screenage could show kidney internal hemorrhage, hematom under envelope, perirenal hematoma, omental bursa hematoma. 结果36例肾出血CT影像提示为:肾内出血、肾包膜下血肿、肾周血肿及伴网膜囊血肿等。
The relationship between ultrasound measured area of the inferior pole of the perirenal fat and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the metabolic syndrome 代谢综合征患者中超声测量的双肾下极脂肪囊面积与非酒精性脂肪肝的关系
We report on a case in which the tumor presented as a perirenal hilar mass encasing the right renal artery without causing vascular occlusion. 本文介绍一个罕见的后腹腔淋巴瘤的表现:肿瘤将肾动脉包围而没有引起肾动脉的阻塞。
CT features of perirenal space involvement and its diagnostic value in clinical severity classification of acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎肾周间隙受累CT表现及在临床严重程度分型中的价值
Of the 19 cases revealed as high density hemorrhagic lesion. CT signs in those 8 patients include low density rim sign, cyst immerging sign, and perirenal fascia thickening. 结果发现高密度出血灶8例,可见特征性的低密度环征、囊肿隐没征、肾周筋膜增厚等;
Correlative study on the CT manifestation of acute pancreatitis involved the of perirenal space and its clinical severity 急性胰腺炎累及肾周间隙的CT表现与临床严重程度的相关性
Advances in anatomic studies of renal fascia and perirenal space 肾筋膜及肾周间隙的解剖学研究进展
Spontaneous subcapsular and perirenal hemorrhage ( report of 10 cases) 自发性肾包膜下和肾周出血(10例报告并文献复习)
Results: The tumor size decreased, the perirenal edema area became clear and bleeding in operation reduced in 33 cases of renal carcinoma. 结果:33例肾癌患者栓塞术后肿瘤体积缩小、肾周水肿带明显,手术时出血减少;
Perirenal liposarcoma: diagnosis and treatment 肾周脂肪肉瘤的诊断和外科治疗
Serious complications such as perirenal hematoma, infection, shock did not occur. 无肾周血肿、感染、休克等严重并发症发生。
Negative-pressure drainage of perirenal abscess by ultrasound guided catheter placement ( Report of 11 cases) 超声引导穿刺置管负压引流治疗肾周脓肿(附11例报告)
Observe the incidence of complication, such as: trauma of renal pelvis, trauma of renal parenchyma, trauma of combined renal pelvis-renal parenchyma, trauma of renal pedicle and perirenal hematoma. 观察单纯肾盂损伤、单纯肾实质损伤、肾盂损伤合并肾实质损伤、肾蒂损伤、肾周血肿等并发症的发生率。
Results: 8 cases were presented in perirenal capsular, and 11 cases out of perirenal capsular. 结果:19例中发生于肾周围8例,其他部位11例。
Cases of spontaneous subcapsular and perirenal hemorrhage were reviewed. Renal adenoma was found in 4 of them and nephrolithiasis, SLE with nephritis, polycythemia vera, renal tuberculosis, portal hypertension in one each. 近年来诊治自发性肾包膜下和肾周出血患者10例,其中腺癌4例,肾结石、SLE肾炎,真性红细胞增多症、肾结核、门脉高压症及不明原因各1例。
Prerenal fascial plane plays which roles in the diseases between the spread of the perirenal space and the perivascular central retroperitoneum. 肾筋膜平面在双侧肾周间隙之间或肾周间隙与中线大血管区域之间病变扩散中所扮演的角色。
[ Results] After treatment, body weight, Lee's index and wet weight of perirenal fat were decreased in group C ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.001 compared with group B). [结果]针刺治疗后大鼠体质量下降,Lee's指数和肾周脂肪质量降低,与模型组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01或P<0.001);
Clinical Significance of CT Scanning of the Perirenal Space 肾周间隙CT扫描的临床意义
This paper is to review the CT findings of 83 cases with a limited spectrum of disorders that affect the perirenal space, including perirenal hematoma ( 18 cases). 本文总结了18例肾周间隙内积血、28例积脓和37例肾癌累及肾周间隙共83例的CT征象。
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of spontaneous perirenal hemorrhage ( SPH). 目的探讨自发性肾周出血(SPH)的诊治方法。
Results: Spontaneous rupture of renal hamartoma were confirmed in 8 of 10 cases by CT scanning or MRI. Spontaneous rupture of renal tumor was found in one case by MRI and space occupying lesion of kidney with perirenal hematoma was diagnosed in one case only by ultrasonography. 结果:8例术前CT或MRI提示为肾错构瘤破裂出血,1例MRI诊断为肾肿瘤破裂出血,1例B超诊断为肾占位病变并肾周血肿。
CT features of masses originating from parenchymal organs in upper part of right perirenal space 右肾周间隙上份源于脏器肿块CT表现特征探讨
Methods The clinical data of 28 cases of perirenal liposarcoma performed operation between 2000 and 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. 方法总结分析2000-2006年间收治的28例肾周脂肪肉瘤病人经手术治疗的临床资料。
Acute rejection, chronic rejection, perirenal hematoma and anastomotic stenosis of the ureter-bladder are important complications. 急性排异、慢性排异、肾周血肿及输尿管-膀胱吻合口狭窄等是重要的合并症。