Essential Balm Used for the Cleaning of Belly Button Before Gynecological Peritoneoscopy 风油精用于妇科腹腔镜手术患者术前清洁脐孔
Conclusion Transgastric NOTES peritoneoscopy with biopsy is the crux of the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis. 结论经胃NOTES腹腔内镜检查及病理活检是确诊结核性腹膜炎非常有效的诊断方法。
Laparoscopy ( or peritoneoscopy): Procedure for inspecting the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope; also surgery requiring use of a laparoscope. 腹腔镜检查:使用腹腔镜检查腹腔的处置过程;过程中需使用腹腔镜的手术也可称之。
Objective To investigate the value of transgastric NOTES peritoneoscopy in the diagnosis of patients with tuberculous peritonitis. 目的探讨经胃NOTES腹腔内镜检查对结核性腹膜炎的诊断价值。
Methods Divided 200 patients who had accepted gynecological peritoneoscopy into the observation group ( 100 cases) and the control group ( 100 cases) randomly. 方法将200例妇科腹腔镜手术患者随机分为观察组及对照组各100例。
26 cases were not verified by liver biopsy but were diagnosed by peritoneoscopy. 26例肝活检未能证实,但腹腔镜检予以证实。
The routine nursing cares were used in the control group, while the rehabilitation gymnastics training was used in the observation group in addition within 6 hours after the peritoneoscopy. 对照组术后予常规护理,观察组术后除常规护理外,于术后6h给予功能康复操锻炼。
Objective This paper was proved to discuss the curative effects of treating ovarian chocolate cyst by vaginal puncturing under the guidance of ultrasound and the results were compared with the excision of ovarian cyst under a peritoneoscopy. 目的探讨超声引导下经阴道穿刺治疗卵巢巧克力囊肿对比腹腔镜下卵巢巧克力囊肿摘除术的疗效。
The prevention effects of functional rehabilitation gymnastics on the postoperative non-incision pains for patients with gynecological peritoneoscopy 功能康复操对预防妇科腹腔镜术后患者非切口疼痛效果的影响