She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins. 她宁愿在法庭上撒谎也不愿承认她的罪行。
You perjure yourself, you'll find yourself in jail. 你敢做伪证,就要坐牢。
The judge warned the witness not to perjure herself. 法官告诫她不要作伪证。
Several witness at the trial is clearly prepare to perjure themselves in order to protect the accused 在审判时几个证人显然已准备好为袒护被告而作伪证
"and at that time the Lord was moved to wrath, and made an oath, saying," The man scrupled to perjure himself. 当日,耶和华的怒气发作,就起誓说,这人发伪誓时迟疑了起来。
The Swiss almost unanimously feel that your friend has no right to expect you to perjure yourself and that you should in no circumstances consider doing so. 瑞士人几乎一致认为,你的朋友无权指望你为他作伪证,而你在任何情况下都不该考虑这么做。
In our criminal law, crime of perjure encroaches on the normal criminal procedure of justice. 在我国刑法中,伪证罪侵犯的客体应该是国家司法机关刑事诉讼的正常活动。
These problems are mainly reflected in such aspects as witness refuse to testimony or even refuse to appear in the court, as witness perjure themselves. 存在的问题主要有证人拒不作证特别是拒不出庭作证、作伪证。