The Perkinsus sp was proved to be the species of P. olseni ( P.atlanticus) by rRNA genes sequence measured and analysis; 通过rRNA基因片段碱基序列分析,确认我国菲律宾蛤仔体内寄生的帕金虫Perkinsussp.为P.olseni(或P.atlanticus);
Perkinsus trophozoites predominantly focused in the clam connective tissue, and frequently found in gill, mantle and digested gland, less in adductor muscle and efferent siphon, no found in podium. 帕金虫滋养体主要寄生在菲律宾蛤仔结缔组织中,在鳃、外套膜、消化腺中较多,在闭壳肌、水管中较少;
Therefore, systemic review of pathogen perkinsus researched progress oversea is very helpful to the shellfish disease studies in China. 因此,系统阐述国外贝类帕金虫病害的研究进展,对我国海产贝类病害的研究,具有现实意义。
This description focused on introducing the results of studies on the shellfish perkinsus disease oversea, including perkinsus's taxonomic position, morphology, life cycle, diagnostics, pathology, ecological triggering mechanism, the disease preventing and controlling techniques and policies. 比较系统地介绍了国外贝类帕金虫病害的研究进展,包括帕金虫的分类地位、形态结构、生活史、检测方法、病理学、病害发生生态机理、防治技术与对策等。
Progress of studies on Perkinsus sp. disease of marine mollusc 海产贝类帕金虫病害的研究进展
Instance of DNA extraction: Using positive tissues infected by perkinsus as a template to optimize the formulation and process from the organization liquefaction, digestion and cell lysis, and the final purification. DNA提取应用实例:以派琴虫感染的阳性组织为模板,从组织液化、消化裂解细胞,最后纯化整个流程对裂解液配方及工艺进行优化。