It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation. 允许考虑先前的法律。
Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution 宪法允许进行宗教活动。
He said it was just not permissible to postpone the main issue by allowing business to carry on as usual. 他说决不允许因为日常工作而耽搁了重大问题。
Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible. 知识的问题是一个科学问题,来不得半点虚伪和骄傲。
Not even the slightest error is permissible. 分厘之差也不容许。
Such deviation between the products and the sample is normal and permissible. 产品与样品之间的偏差是正常的,也是允许的。
Machining Tolerance is the permissible variation in actual space width or actual tooth thickness. 加工公差是花键的实际齿槽宽和实际齿厚的允许的变动量。
Do not exceed maximum permissible pressure. 切勿超过最大容许压力。
We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible. 我们将在幕后工作,以减轻对他们的影响在允许的地方。
For some people, architecture is the only permissible expression of violence in life, I suppose. 我想,对有些人而言,建筑是生活中唯一允许表达暴力的方式。
The permissible stress range formula and transfer factor of fatigue stress range were deduced. 推导了疲劳许用应力范围计算公式和不同概率水平下疲劳应力的转换关系。
In Newton's theory on the contrary, only big steps connecting distant events are permissible. 与此相反,牛顿的理论只允许用大梯阶量联系远距离事件。
That means that there is a fine line between what is permissible and what is not. 这意味着,在允许和不允许之间的界限很微妙。
Action and omission-Is it more permissible to let someone die than to kill the person? 行动和省略-任某人死亡比杀死他是更被允许的?
If there is no past history of discrimination, no mandatory hiring or promotional plan favoring blacks is permissible. 如果没有过去的历史歧视,没有强制雇用或促销计划,那么支持黑人是允许的。
Under the new regulations this is permissible. 根据新的规章制度,这是可以的。
BINARY: The base two number system. Permissible digits are 0 and 1. 二进制:以两个数字为基数的系统。只有0和1是可允许的数字。
The noise and waste gas emission all conform to the permissible data specified in national standard. 噪音和废气排放都符合国家标准所规定的容许值。
It is not permissible to import any of the materials mentioned in this article for commercial reasons. 它是不容许的进口任何材料本文中所提到的商业理由。
13.3 partial deliveries, partial performance and corresponding settlement of accounts are permissible if not unreasonable for the orderer. 13.3如果订购方觉得合理,则允许部分交付、部分履行和对应结账。
Second, we will increase provisions to the extent permissible. 第二,我们将在条件允许的情况下,尽量提高拨备水平。
Mixed configuration on one axle is not permissible! 不允许在同一个轴上混用配置!
It is also not permissible and not necessary to turn the screws. 不允许转动螺钉,也无需转动它。
The system is not delicate, but when it's a question of starving, much is permissible. 尽管制度不高明,可是,到了饿肚皮的时候,很多事情也就可以通融了。
Not morally right or permissible. 道德上不正确或不被允许的。
As documented and permissible in the specification and not on the values of the actual deliveries. 作为冲击豁免的考虑是根据文件和材料规范的要求,而不是根据材料分析的实际值。
The law applies equally to all citizens and no privilege whatsoever is permissible before law. 对于一切公民,在适用法律上一律平等,在法律面前,不允许有任何特权。
In the answer referred to, we mentioned that cooperative insurance is agreed by all scholars to be permissible. 刚才提到的回答中,我们提到所有学者都认为合作保险是允许的。
Permissible winter tyre and wheel sizes. 允许的冬季轮胎和车轮尺寸。
Engine revolution should not exceed the maximum permissible. 发动机的转数不应超过所允许的最大值。