Using Mytilus edulis and Perna viridis as bioindicators to evaluate the contamination status of butyltins in Bohai coastal sites. 用贻贝和牡蛎作为生物指示物研究渤海近岸水体中丁基锡的污染现状。
Effect of Morphometric Traits on Edible Part Weight of Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝形态性状对软体部质量的影响
Analysis of Morphological Difference among Three Wild Populations of Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝三个野生种群形态性状的差异分析
Study on improving growth function of Perna viridis nutrition powder 翡翠贻贝营养粉改善生长发育功能研究
Observations on the gill tectology and ultrastructures of Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝鳃的组织形态学和超微结构观察
Effects of mercury on the GPT activity of Perna viridis 汞对翡翠贻贝谷丙转氨酶活性的影响
XRD and FTIR Spectra Characteristics of Nacreous Layer in Perna Viridis 翡翠贻贝珍珠层的XRD和FTIR光谱特征
On experimental transplantation of Perna viridis Linnaeus along the Guangxi Coast 广西沿海翡翠贻贝移殖试验
Study on the technique of collecting semi-artificial spat of mussel Perna viridis in Quanzhou Bay and Weitou Bay 泉州湾、围头湾翡翠贻贝海区半人工采苗技术研究
The effect of temperature on the energy budget of Perna viridis 温度对翡翠贻贝能量收支的影响
The observe for habits and attaching of the Perna viridis young shellfish 翡翠贻贝稚贝附着习性的观察
The bioaccumulation and transport pathway of heavy metal in green mussels Perna viridis were studied under different environmental conditions employed radiotracer techniques. The relative mechanisms of metal transport were also discussed. 本研究以翡翠贻贝PernaViridis为实验材料,采用放射性示踪技术,研究了不同环境条件下翡翠贻贝对重金属的累积及转运方式,并对相关作用机制进行了探讨。
Study on the extraction of taurine derived from perna viridis 翡翠贻贝中牛磺酸提取的工艺研究
Ionic control of attachment and metamorphosis in the green mussel Perna viridis ( linnaeus) larvae 翡翠贻贝幼体附着和变态的离子控制
The effects of light intensity, temperature and salinity on the filtration rate of Perna viridis 温度、盐度和光照条件对翡翠贻贝滤水率的影响
Chemical characteristics of Perna viridis meat and its application to seafood seasoning 翡翠贻贝肉的食品化学特性及其在海鲜调味料的应用
Study on the Relationships Between Shell Length and Body Weight of Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝壳长与体重关系的研究
The Ultrastructure of Spermatozoon in Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝精子的超微结构
Studies on nutritive compositions of soft part in mussel Perna viridis 翡翠贻贝软体部营养成分的研究
Study on Micronuclei Rate in Gill Cell of Green Iipped Mussels ( Perna viridis) from Minnan Coastal Waters of Fujian Province 福建闽南沿海翡翠股贻贝鳃细胞微核率的研究