The peroneus longus and brevis muscles along the outside of the shin press the inside of the sole of the foot into the floor. 处于胫骨外侧的腓长肌和腓骨短肌使脚掌内侧向下压地。
The peroneus longus and brevis on the outside of the front shin activate, pressing the ball of the foot into the floor. 处于胫骨外侧的腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌活跃,下压脚趾尖向地板的方向。
Arthroscopic Autogenous Peroneus Longus Tendon Knee Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Preliminary Study on Surgical Techniques 关节镜下自体腓骨长肌腱重建膝关节交叉韧带手术方法的初步探讨
Methods 13 cases ( 21 feet) were treated by soft tissue release and prolongation of caleaneal tendon and the 3 tendon doube end woven anastomosis between the posterior tibialis, anterior tibialis and peroneus longus muscles combined. 方法行后内侧软组织松解和跟腱延长,同时行胫骨前肌、胫骨后肌和腓骨长肌3腱编织缝合。
Method Musculus flexor hallucis longus with musculus peroneus longus w ere anastomosed to strengthen fibular muscle producing posterointernal lysis for clubfoot. 方法在行足后内侧软组织松解术时,将足母长屈肌与腓骨长肌吻合,加强腓侧肌力。
Responses of neurons in the somatosensory area I to noxious electric stimulation of nervus peroneus communis the study of intracellular potentials 皮层体感Ⅰ区神经元对伤害性电刺激腓总神经的反应&细胞内电位研究
Objective: To report the applied anatomy, biomechanical character and operation method of peroneus longus muscle tendon transposition repairing Achilles tendon defect. 目的:报道带血管蒂腓骨长肌腱转位修复跟腱缺损的应用解剖、生物学力学和手术方法。
Applied anatomy of the third peroneus flap 第三腓骨肌瓣的应用解剖
Methods The peroneus brevis muscle flaps were translocated reversely for repair of the soft tissue defects on the lateral malleolus and Achilles tendon. 方法设计腓骨短肌肌瓣逆行转位修复外踝及跟腱处软组织缺损创面。
Peroneus brevis plays more part in the velocity and the eversion of the foot. 腓骨短肌比腓骨长肌更多地参加足外翻和速度运动。
Conclusion The repair of inferior tibio-fibular ligaments with the tendon of peroneus longus is an excellent way to treat complete disruption of inferior tibiofibular joint. 结论下胫腓联合对维持踝穴的完整及稳定具有重要意义,需根据不同的病情选择合理的手术方法。采用腓骨长肌腱修复下胫腓韧带术治疗是非常有效的。
Conclusions ① the peroneus brevis could be divided into two compartments. 结论①腓骨短肌可分为前、后两个亚部;
Instant reaction time of peroneus longus and brevis muscles was longer when lateral ankle ligament was injured. 外踝韧带损伤可导致腓骨长短肌的瞬时反应时延长;
Old Rupture of Tendon Treatment with Transposition of Peroneus Longus 腓骨长肌移位术治疗陈旧性跟腱断裂
The changes of the conduction velocity of nerve peroneus communis decreased greatly after treatment in the treatment group ( P < 0.01) and there was a significance between two groups after treatment ( P < 0.01). 在腓总神经传导速度变化方面,治疗组治疗后较治疗前有显著提高(P<0.01),治疗后两组比较有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。
Measurement of excitability of various fibers in peroneus nerve in rabbits standard electrical quantity ( a) as an actual index for measuring excitability 家兔腓神经中各类纤维兴奋性的测定&标准电量(a)是兴奋性的可靠指标
Reconstruction of tibiofibular ligament with peroneus brevis tendon 腓骨短肌腱重建下胫腓韧带联合
Post operation bone exposure of calcaneus opening fracture repaired with transfer of peroneus brevis muscle converse flap plus dermatoplasty 腓骨短肌逆行肌瓣转移加植皮修复跟骨开放性骨折术后骨外露
An applied anatomy on the transposition of musculocutaneous flaps of peroneus brevis pedicled with superficial peroneal vessels 以腓骨短肌腓浅血管为蒂腓骨短肌皮瓣逆行转位术的应用解剖
Methods 48 cases were treated by the modified peroneus longus internalization which extracted tendon with conductor and remained its primary attached point. 方法采用以导引管抽取肌腱法及保留腓骨长肌原附着点的改良腓骨长肌内移术,治疗第1跖骨头下垂型足外翻畸形48例。
After resection of common peroneal nerve, the distal peroneus longus muscle was broken and sarcolemma was resected, and then gastrocnemius muscle of the same side was implanted. 各组在切除腓总神经后,将腓骨长肌远端切断并切除肌膜后植入同侧腓肠肌。
Applied distally based peroneus brevis muscle flaps for coverage of the soft tissue defects over the lower one-third of the leg, ankle and foot 远端蒂腓骨短肌瓣在修复小腿下1/3及足踝部软组织缺损中的应用
Retrospective Study on the Leprotic Nerve Damage of Nerve Peroneus Communis and its Branches 麻风腓总神经及其分支损害的回顾性研究
The afferent mechanism of magnetic stimulation of muscle for evoked cerebral potentials ( MMSEP) was studied through comparison of magnetic stimulation of the peroneus muscle under relaxation with electric stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle site. 目的:研究磁刺激肌肉脑诱发电位(MMSEP)的传入机制。方法:对肌松弛下腓肠肌MM-SEP及电刺激踝部胫后神经体感诱发电位(SEP)进行配对对比研究。