Synthesis of Glutaraldehyde by Selective Oxidation of Cyclopentene with Aqueous solution of H_2O_2 Catalyzed by Peroxy-niobic Acid Catalyst 过氧铌酸催化下双氧水选择氧化环戊烯制备戊二醛
These peroxy alcohols not only exist in a wide range of natural products but also have a lot of application in medicine and pharmacology, especially for the synthesis of 1,2,4-trioxanes, which are being actively investigated as antimalarial agents. 这些过氧醇类化合物不仅广泛存在于天然产物中,而且在医学和药物学等领域有很大的用途,尤其是利用β-过氧醇合成的1,2,4-三氧杂环己烷,可以作为一种抗疟药物。