But for my aid, his life would have burned away in torments, within the first two years after the perpetration of his crime and thine. 要不是我假以援手,他和你犯下罪孽之后的头两年里,他的生命便会在备受折磨之中烧光了。
But the queen mother thought of this person without perpetration to be kill offed, cry; 但是太后想到这个没有做坏事的人要被杀掉,就哭起来;
The report also casts a light on the increasingly important role that technology is playing in the trade, both in combating it and its perpetration. 报告同时显示,高科技在人口贩卖贸易和打击此类犯罪活动中扮演着日益重要的角色。
It is also associated with perpetration of violence ( for males) and being a victim of violence ( for females). 它还与实施暴力(男性)和成为暴力受害者(女性)相关。
Should he ignore his father's testament, or allow the perpetration of a crime! 背弃他父亲的遗嘱,要不就纵容罪行,让它成功!
The perpetration of the crime by the accused was proved to the satisfaction of the court. 法庭确认被告的罪行己得到充分的证实。
Additionally, the Audit Committee will consider incentives and pressures on management which could lead to the perpetration of fraud. 此外,审计委员会还将考虑管理层是否存在可能发生欺诈行为的动机和压力。
Thoughts on Simple Joint Direct Intentional Perpetration 对简单共同直接故意实行行为相关问题的思考
It is the symbol ensuring the citizen's informing right and opening the government's information. It has significant meaning for preventing perpetration and developing the investigation job. 它是保障公民知情权和政府信息公开的标志,对于犯罪预防、侦查工作的开展都有重要的意义。
From objective aspect, support act in secret by unilateral accomplices is combined with perpetration act of the party without knowledge, which jointly brings about the occurrence of the results which do harm to the society. 在客观方面,片面共犯者的暗中加功行为同不知情一方的实行行为相结合,共同导致了危害社会结果的发生。
The chapter emphasizes the specific characters of organized structure of power which makes the notion of indirect perpetration applicable. 该部分特别强调了权力组织结构体所必须具有的使间接正犯概念得以适用的特征。