As the number of participants continued to expand, both competitive pressures as well as the spoils of success increased, perpetuating a cycle of continuous innovation around the standard platform. 随着参与者的数量持续增加,竞争压力随之加剧,赢得成功的回报也不断增长,永远维持围绕标准平台不断创新的良性循环。
These events, held on university campuses in university buildings, are perpetuating one of the more controversial tenets of Silicon Valley: Attending college is no longer a necessity. 这些在大学校园的教学楼里举办的活动,却始终维护着硅谷众多褒贬不一的信条之一:上大学不再是个必须项。
Such a medium-run horizon would permit interventions to offset market volatility but avoid a country perpetuating a large undervaluation. 这种中期视角将允许为抵消市场波动进行干预,但会阻止一国长期保持汇率严重低估的情况。
And either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering or regaining by more costly sacrifices 那样,就得永远忍受屈辱,或者付出更高昂的代价和经过更严酷的斗争
He said the women's magazine industry and advertising targeting women were primarily responsible for perpetuating stereotyped and negative images of women. 他说女性杂志行业以及广告瞄准女性主要是负责维持女性刻板消极的形象。
In the short run, those state and local cutbacks are a major drag on the economy, perpetuating devastatingly high unemployment. 短期来看,这些州和地方政府的缩减是阻碍经济的最主要原因,使得破坏性的高失业率居高不下。
The conservatives applied the same policies predicated on vested interests and corruption, and so are currently also suffering from their history of covering up deficits and perpetuating a culture of cronyism and mismanagement. 保守派同样施行植根于既得利益和腐败的政策,因而目前也正为自己掩盖赤字、沿袭任人唯亲和管理不善传统的一贯做法而承担恶果。
In the short term, Beijing's stimulus and monetary policy are perpetuating the imbalances. 短期而言,北京的刺激措施和货币政策正在延长失衡局面。
The policy of perpetuating native cultures ( in opposition to acculturation). (为对抗文化交融)发扬本土文化的政策。
Under-resourced services cannot effectively prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, perpetuating an avoidable epidemic in infants and children. 由于资金不足,提供的服务不能有效预防艾滋病毒的母婴传播,从而使婴幼儿中本可避免的疾病流行得以长期持续。
But if their assumption is wrong, we risk perpetuating US zombie banks and suffering a lost American decade. 但如果他们的假设是错误的,我们将面临美国僵尸银行长久存在、以及美国经历失落的十年的风险。
It may be that you yourself are perpetuating the story. 这也许能让你在故事中永远存在。
The perpetuating testimony system before prosecution, which is a part of the perpetuating testimony system, aims at the factuality, legality, and accuracy of proof. 诉前证据保全制度是证据保全制度体系的一个有机组成部分,其要解决的核心问题就是证据的客观真实性、合法性和准确性。
It's a place clinging to tradition and perpetuating the kind-hearted, ancient customs that never go out of style-integrity, pride, and hospitality. 它保持着古老风俗传统,它的人民诚实、善良、热情和充满自豪感。
Unsafe water and inadequate sanitation are often major causes of lost work and missed school days, perpetuating the cycle of economic and social stagnation in many countries. 不安全的水和卫生条件不足,往往是失去了工作的一大原因,错过了上学的时候,在许多国家长期存在的经济和社会停滞周期。
Shockingly, many companies are perpetuating past abusive practices. 令人震惊的是,许多公司仍在延续过去的不当做法。
In every case, care must be taken to assess the role of predisposing, primary, secondary and perpetuating causes in that order. 在任何病例中,都要仔细有序的评估易感因素、原发因素、继发因素和永久病因在发病过程中的重要性。
It set out to eradicate heresy, and ended by perpetuating it. 它的目的只是要根除异端邪说,结果却巩固了异端邪说。
But if the policies end up perpetuating the imbalances that got the global economy into the mess, the next crisis will be worse than this one. 而是说,如果这些政策最终使得搅乱全球经济的失衡长期存在下去,下一次危机会比此次更为严重。
High fertility in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia is impeding economic development and perpetuating poverty, the UN Population Fund has warned. 联合国人口基金(UNPopulationFund)警告称,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和南亚的高生育率,正对经济增长和消除贫困构成阻碍。
Avoid stereotyping, sensationalism and perpetuating myths and misconceptions when reporting on mental health issues. 在报道精神卫生问题时避免陈旧观念、追求轰动效应以及历久不衰的神话和误解。
And they blame fairytales and modern love stories for perpetuating the myth that enjoying a perfect relationship is possible. 他们怪罪童话与现代爱情故事,令有可能享有一段完美关系这种迷思深植人心。
Never before have so many people been able instantly to access information for free, to network and collaborate on just about any topic, thus perpetuating the movement. 此前,从没有那么多人能够获得免费的即时信息,能对任何课题进行联网与合作,从而推动这项运动的持续发展。
He did nothing to bring stability in Roman government beyond perpetuating his own power. 恺撒虽然拥有了终身统治罗马的权力,却并不能稳定罗马政府。
But the problems of perpetuating a hierarchical society go deeper than this. 但是把等级社会永久化的问题却比这深刻得多。
More often than not, the children of child workers are also trapped in poverty, perpetuating the cycle. 童工的孩子亦在贫困中挣扎,周而复始。
As a result of her example, there were numerous "Dorcas societies" in the history of the Christian church as a way of perpetuating her memory. 依从她的榜样,结果,在教会历史上,就出现很多“多加社会关怀团体”,延续她的精神。
But phasing in ever higher provisions ( and therefore capital need) risks perpetuating the problem. 然而,分阶段逐步提高拨备要求(以及随之而来的资本要求的提高)带有延续问题的风险。
A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms, especially plants, is stable and capable of perpetuating itself. 顶极群落,演替顶极生态发展的一个阶段,在此阶段一群有机体(尤指植物)能保持自身的稳定及永存。
Contemporary Calvinists may sometimes be responsible for perpetuating this image. 当代的加尔文派也许要为延续这种印象负责。