The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity. 美国政府将这块土地永久性划拨给该部族。
We need to help people not maintain their dependency on a government benefit in perpetuity, but to liberate them from that dependency, to help them regain their self-respect and sense of dignity by finding work, and providing for themselves and their families. 我们需要帮助人们不长期依靠政府,而是将他们从依赖中释放出来,帮助他们通过找工作重新获得自尊和尊严,从而养活他们自己和家人。
It is not a word that the Party would like to be enshrined in dictionary-entry perpetuity. 这个词可不是党希望永远留在字典词条里的那种词。
Sony Pictures owns the movie rights to Spider-Man in perpetuity ( as long as films keep coming), the result of a decades-old deal with Marvel Entertainment. 由于几十年前与漫威娱乐公司签订的合同,索尼电影公司拥有电影《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)的永久权利(只要影片还在拍摄)。
If the payments are made over an infinite period of time the annuity is called a perpetuity. 假如支付期是无限的,称为永久年金。
I never before saw a smile caught like that, in perpetuity. 我从未见过谁的笑脸僵成那幅模样。
It means that the government can keep budget deficit in perpetuity only not too large scale. 这意味着政府可以一直保持赤字状态,只要规模不是很大。
This plot was bought for five years only, and that young chap wants a plot in perpetuity and a larger bit of ground: in the new part would be best. 这块坟地的租用期才五年,而这个年轻人想要有一块永久性出让的、面积更大一点的坟地,最好是新区里的地。
Desire happiness in perpetuity; an annuity paid in perpetuity. 终生渴望幸福;终身养老金。
That would raise US public debt to 70 per cent to GDP and would cost the government a mere 0.2 per cent of GDP, in perpetuity. 这将使美国公共债务达到GDP的70%,并使政府永远付出仅仅相当于GDP0.2%的成本。
Use of the house to be granted to Mrs Harris in perpetuity. 房屋的永久使用权赋予了哈里斯太太。
Money raised from property premiums is allocated to a special account that can only be spent on infrastructure, guaranteeing a building frenzy in perpetuity. 房地产商预付的资金,被划拨到一个只能用于基础设施开支的专门账户,由此保证了建筑狂热长盛不衰。
These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity. 这些土地依法永远归我们家族所有。
Of partial property right and full property right lie differently at, partial property right is to emphasize perpetuity and right of inheritance, and the exercise that counterpoises to earnings power and punish criterion demarcate is in certain limits. 部分产权与全部产权的不同之处在于,部分产权是强调永久使用权和继续权,而对收益权和处分权的行使则限定在一定范围之内。
No one can be sure the currency will survive in perpetuity. 没人能确切知道欧元是否将永远存在。
The land was given to him in perpetuity. 这土地永远归他所有了。
That ensures that his name is now attached to the building in perpetuity and inscribed at the base of the pillars ( an honour which some New Yorkers think was sold far too cheaply). 此举使他的名字和这座大楼永远连在了一起,并被镌刻在大楼廊柱的底座上(某些纽约人认为这一荣誉的售价太低)。
Pre-crisis, economists routinely thought the US economy could expand at a 3 per cent annual rate in perpetuity. 在危机之前,经济学家习惯性地认为,美国经济能够一成不变地以3%的年率增长。
The minutes of board meetings shall be stored in perpetuity, and shall be sent to each director within ten days of the day following the meeting. 董事会会议纪录应永久保存,并应于会议之次日起十日内分送各董事。
Recovery rates may be higher because the SWF could exist in perpetuity and not all its purchased assets are necessarily troubled. 主权财富基金的收回率可能更高,因为主权财富基金可能永久存在,而且并非它购买的所有资产一定都是不良资产。
The plots where they were buried were dedicated in perpetuity to the United States. 埋葬他们的那几块墓地已永远奉献给了美国。
Three suburban districts say they will remain closed until next Monday because of last week's record snowfall. Parklands, which separate the city and the suburbs, are preserved in the perpetuity for the use of the people. 三个远郊地区表示由于上周那场史无前例的降雪,他们将维持封闭状态到下周一。分隔市区与郊区的绿地永远留作人们活动的场所。
This property is to be held by the trust in perpetuity. 这份财产将由受托人永久拥有。
I am seeking the license for world-wide use, in perpetuity, and for all media. 我要求全球的,永久的,适用所有媒体的使用权。
Apart from HarperCollins, publishers are allowing libraries to purchase e-books for lending in perpetuity, meaning as many times as anyone wants to borrow them. 除了出版商哈珀柯林斯,让图书馆购买电子图书,永久贷款的意义,因为有人想借用他们多次。
However, the pieces of key do not remain on the P2P in perpetuity. 然而,密钥碎片不会永久地保留在P2P网络上。
Rainbows are beautiful, because they have paid the cost of perpetuity; Tears are salty, because they are filled with the bitters of life. 彩虹之所以美,因为付出了永存的代价;泪水之所以咸,因为它饱含了人生的辛酸。
The perpetuity by generation is common to beasts; 由生殖而传种是动物同有的;