We had to leave the country because of the persecutions. 由于受到迫害,我们不得不离开这个国家。
30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age ( homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields& and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. 没有不在今世得百倍的,就是房屋、弟兄、姐妹、父母、儿女、田地,并且要受逼迫,在来世必得永生。
Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 以及我在安提阿,以哥念,路司得,所遭遇的逼迫,苦难。我所忍受是何等的逼迫。但从这一切苦难中主都把我救出来了。
Jews: the Chosen People or the Abandoned People?& the Idea of the Chosen People of Judaism and Persecutions to Jews 犹太人:选民还是弃民?&犹太教的选民观念与犹太人迫害
You have read of the religious persecutions of the past. 你一定读到过以前历史上的宗教迫害的事。
Torture, arbitrary imprisonment, and persecutions for heresy were abolished. 酷刑、随意关押、迫害异端这些做法被取消。
The reason the persecutions we suffer are the sufferings of Christ is that we suffer in the name of Christ. 我们所遭受的逼迫是基督的苦难,乃因我们是在基督的名里受的。
We must treat everything that has gone before that Monday as a datum. In some instances, persecutions had already been carried out by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, while in others they took place behind Comrade Mao's back. 我们必须把每一件发生在星期一以前的事当作既成事实看待。有些是林彪、四人帮已经造成既成事实,有些是背着他干的。
Beauty is well known to draw after it the persecutions of impertinence, to incite the artifices of envy, and to raise the flames of unlawful love. ( No.111) 在无礼的干扰下,人们知道,美丽能刺激嫉妒的技巧,扇起非法之爱的火焰。
The persecutions which he endured and witnessed at school gave him a lifelong detestation of tyranny and violence. 他在学校所亲身遭受和亲眼目睹的种种迫害使他终生厌恶专制和暴力。
He had declared his intention of appealing to the justice of his country against your brutal persecutions! 他曾表示要向国家法官上诉,控告你残酷迫害。
They wanted to steal our magic, to use it for their own purposes, yet they were scared of it, too, hence the persecutions. 他们想要偷我们的魔法,用来达到自己的目的,同时他们也很怕我们,所以要迫害我们。
He is writing a history of the persecutions endured by his race. 他在写一部关于其种族所受迫害的历史书。
At first, people filled with doubt, and even made merciless blows and persecutions on it. 在西医院建立之初,人们满怀狐疑,更多的是对医院的不信任,甚至是无情的打击和迫害。
Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi government of Germany; 您是否参加过德国纳粹政府指使下进行的迫害?
It then underwent grievous persecutions and re-emerged to prominence and the coming of the Tang dynasty. 后来遭受了残酷迫害,到了唐朝才又重新兴盛起来。
So there's no general empire wide persecution of Christians in the second century, but you do have sporadic persecutions arising against Christians in certain areas. 所以在二世纪,罗马帝国并没有大规模地,迫害基督徒,但偶尔会有迫害,在不同地区,迫害基督徒。
Many of the earliest colonists who settled on the north-east coast of America in early17th century were Protestant refugees escaping religious persecutions in Europe. 17世纪早期到北美东北海岸殖民的欧洲人都是逃离迫害的新教徒。
Feet-binding was one of the persecutions that women suffered in Chinese ancient society. 缠足是中国古代社会对妇女迫害的主要证据之一。
Under the scapegoat mechanism, their tragic fates are inescapable in this society full of desires and persecutions. 在替罪羊机制之下,他们悲剧结尾也在这个充满欲望污秽和迫害的社会中也变成了不可逃脱的宿命。