ADV-GRADED 一次又一次地;一直 If something happens persistently, it happens again and again or for a long time.
The allegations have been persistently denied by ministers... 这些说法被部长们一再否认。
People with rail season tickets will get refunds if trains are persistently late. 如果火车一再晚点,持铁路季票的人会得到退款。
ADV-GRADED 坚持不懈地;锲而不舍地;不屈不挠地 If someone does something persistently, they do it with determination even though it is difficult or other people are against it.
Rachel gently but persistently imposed her will upon Douglas... 雷切尔委婉但执著地把自己的意愿强加给道格拉斯。
Slowly, persistently, patiently, we will end this conflict. 慢慢来,耐心坚持,我们会解决这场冲突的。
His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists 漫画家们总是把他画得变形了。
The allegations have been persistently denied by ministers 这些说法被部长们一再否认。
People with rail season tickets will get refunds if trains are persistently late. 如果火车一再晚点,持铁路季票的人会得到退款。
Rachel gently but persistently imposed her will upon Douglas 雷切尔委婉但执著地把自己的意愿强加给道格拉斯。
Slowly, persistently, patiently, we will end this conflict. 慢慢来,耐心坚持,我们会解决这场冲突的。
He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage. 他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。
We Chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations, big or small. 我们中国一贯主张国家无论大小一律平等。
The outlook is clouded by persistently high oil and food prices. 经济前景受到持续走高的石油和食品价格的影响。
Both continuing pressure on small businesses and the persistently high unemployment rate will continue to feed consumer bankruptcies. 小企业持续承受压力,加上失业率居高不下,二者都将继续助长消费者破产的数量。
Institutions must persistently warn the public of the deadly consequences of AIDS for China and all of Asia. 相关机构应该在中国和亚洲其他国家持续警告公众:艾滋病可能带来可怕的后果。
Beg persistently and urgently. 固执地并且迫切地请求。
We fully analyze and grasp the market, persistently implement and pursue the best practices. 充分分析和把握市场,不断实践和开拓成功之路。
These verbs are compared as they mean to trouble persistently or incessantly. 比较这些动词,它们都意为不断地或频繁地打扰。
They have persistently ignored our advice. 他们一再无视我们的建议。
But the parent and school worry persistently, becoming an university student invisible pressure within marriage on the contrary. 而家长和学校一味的担心,反而成了大学生婚姻中的无形压力。
In our preparation for life's work, we must be diligent or work persistently. 在为一生的事业作准备的过程中,我们一定要勤奋,要坚持不懈地工作。
Though it can't be concluded to be a success, we continue to explore persistently. 虽然到现在为止还不能说成功,但我们一直在坚持不懈的探索。
Raise persistently clients'satisfaction, trust and reliance on ZF products and services. 不断提高用户对ZF产品及服务的满意度、信赖度和依靠度。
During the entire process of reform and opening, we must persistently oppose corruption. 在整个改革开放过程中都要反对腐败。
Examining the sources of the persistently high unemployment rate in recent years and assessing the natural rate of unemployment. 失业问题的根源:研究过去几年失业率持续高企的根源及评估自然失业率。
Keep on gently, but persistently, pressing the point that must be made. 要继续温和但坚持地强调你必须表明的观点。
He persistently undercut their prices. 他坚持削低他们的价格。
Some economists though argue that China could be entering a period of persistently higher inflation as wages rise. 不过,一些经济学家主张,随着工资上涨,中国可能正进入一个通胀持续高企的阶段。
The Chinese nation has persistently pursued an independent national spirit and road to development. 中华民族历来坚持独立自主的民族精神和发展道路。
First, there would be an increased likelihood inflation would become persistently negative: that is deflation. 首先,通胀持续为负(即通缩)的几率将加大。
Lamy has been patiently but persistently working with the WTO Committee Chairs of the negotiating groups to narrow differences. 拉米始终耐心而坚持不懈地与世贸组织委员会谈判各方主席一起,努力缩小差异。
We insist on persistently innovating and strengthening our products, manufacturing first-class products for model world. 我们坚持不断创新强化我们的产品,为模型世界生产一流产品。
We worry about deflation because we think it is a reason why one has a persistently depressed economy. 我们担心通缩是因为,我们认为这是经济持续低迷的一个原因。
This is, however, a world of persistently unbalanced trade and investment flows, in which intervention to limit currency appreciation has been tolerated for too long. 然而,这是一个贸易流和投资流一直都不平衡的世界在这个世界中,限制本币升值的干预行为已被容忍了很长时间。
Persistently paid close attention to the information disclosure work of the Company. 持续关注公司的信息披露工作。