Women tend to personalise rejection more than men 一旦遭拒,女性比男性更容易将事情个人化。
They want to go on and personalise the device to distinguish even more thoughts, and produce a combination of thoughts, like: Who is that woman, she looks nice! 他们想进一步开发并个性化这个装置,让它分辨出小狗们更多的想法并加以结合,例如那个女的是谁?好漂亮!
When you start the letter, try to personalise it by finding out the name of the person to write to. 在开始写信时,尽可能找出收信人的信息。
Our Bespoke interior designers can also use embroidery and marquetry to personalise the inside of the car. 我们的客户定制内部设计师可以使用刺绣和镶嵌工艺来使车的内部个性化。
It's very popular because you can personalise your online character with shoes, hairstyles or accessories. 它非常流行,因为你可以通过改变鞋子、发型或饰品,为你的网络人物进行个性化设置。
He said Google's newly relaunched iGoogle service, which allows users to personalise their own Google search page and publish their own content, would be a key feature. 他表示,谷歌新近重新启动的iGoogle服务将是一项关键的特色服务。该服务将允许用户对谷歌搜索页面进行个性化处理,并发表自己的内容。
They personalise the headlamps, the horn, the video system – they even repaint the car to make it reflect themselves. 他们对车头灯、喇叭和视频系统都进行了个性化处理&甚至重新喷漆以彰显个性。
'It's one of the first examples of being able to personalise cancer medicine and tailor treatment for the individual patient,'he adds. “在第一批对病人个性化使用肿瘤药物和治疗中,这是其中的一个例子。”他补充说。
Researchers say the technology could be developed to allow users to personalise the system. 研究者称这样的技术开发出来后能让用户对系统个人自定义。
As emotional human beings, we feel a compulsion to personalise most aspects of life. 作为情感丰富的人类,我们不自觉地要使生活的方方面面人性化。