To this kind of person, I am repugnant, why can't they be the personhood civilized? 对这类人,我非常反感,为什么做人不能文明些呢?
Finding her own personhood as a campus activist ( bWalter Shapiro) 作为一个大学校园活动者,她发现了自己的个性(b沃尔特夏皮罗)
The personhood, is this, works does not need too many reasons. 做人,就是这样,做事不需要太多理由。
The Spirit's distinct personhood was no part of Old Testament revelation. 格,并不是旧约启示的一部分。
In Blackmun's view the constitution and judicial precedent failed to establish that personhood applied to the unborn. 在布莱克门看来,宪法和司法先例都未能赋予胎儿人格。
Calm, the tranquil point of view is the soul purifies, is personhood's good quality. 淡定,平静的心态是灵魂净化,是做人的良好素质。
The open and aboveboard personhood, the steadfast work, studies earnestly, joyful life. 堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。
The single deepest need in human existence is self-respect, self-esteem, honor and glory in personhood. 人类存在最深沉的需要就是自我尊重,在人性中感到光荣。
And so the very same moment will be the end of my body, the end of my existence, the end of my personhood. 这一刻就是我肉体的灭亡,我的存在的停止,我作为人的消亡。
Would he or she be depersonalized, deprived of any possibility ever of developing their own unique sense of identity and personhood? 他或她将被人格化,自己的独特和人格都被阻碍?
We pursue "ecru personhood, outstanding work" enterprise culture. 我司追求“本色做人,出色做事”的企业文化。
As the service novice, the first matter is the academic society personhood, raises own discussing a request unceasingly, pulls closer with the customer distance. 作为业务新手,第一件事情就是学会做人,不断培养自己的情商,拉近与客户的距离。
Historian Jeff Sklansky says a slow shift to personhood for American companies began with a Supreme Court ruling in eighteen nineteen. 历史学家JeffSklansky说,美国公司缓慢演变为自然人始于1819年的一项高等法院裁定。
On the Constitutional Personhood of Human Dignity 论人性尊严的宪法主体&兼论我国传统的宪法主体理论
The extension of constitutional personhood defined by different criteria, personhood presumption theory may be a better choice because of the tension among different criteria which challenge new technological renovations. 人性尊严宪法主体外延因其确定标准各异而不同,既有的标准之间张力甚巨且难以适应新技术革命所带来的挑战,人格推定理论可能是一个较好的可选方案。
In chapter 2, it takes a research on the connotations, characters on law, developing of the personhood property. 第二章围绕人格物的内涵、法律属性及动态发展展开研究。
Meanwhile, the protection of personality right shall be stronger that that of other property rights based on the close connection between personal property right and personhood. 同时,由于人格财产权确实与人格紧密相连,因此,对它的保护应当强于其他的财产权。
On the problem of whether and how to give protection to personhood interest in property, most countries adopt three patterns. They are affirmative pattern, negative pattern and restrictive pattern. 各国在是否以及如何给予财产中的人格利益以保护的问题上,采取了肯定模式、否定模式以及限制模式三种立场。
At the same time, the elements of personhood are gradually admitted, intensified under the increasing advancement of society and personality right of new type of right has established. 同时,人格的内容要素随着社会的发展不断为人们承认、拓宽,构建起新的权利类型一人格权。
This model society was made up by two levels. Firstly, the individual moral personhood level& "saint" full of main street. 这种模型由两个层面构成:在社会个体人格层面,期待满大街都是圣人。
The writer here hold that personhood interests within the personal property right shall be protected in the following aspects: firstly, endow the entity of personality relationship about particular property with priority. 笔者个人认为可以从以下几个角度尝试保护人格财产权中的人格利益:1、赋予与特定财产有人格关系的主体以优先权。
The division of property and personhood is the fundamental classification of civil code in modern civil law system countries. 人格与财产的二分是近代大陆法系国家民法典的一个基本的分类方法。
Since the Enlightenment Age, western thinkers regard property right as extension of personhood which is protected through property protection in the legislations of many countries. 财产与人格之间的关系也随之发生深刻的变化。自启蒙时代以来,西方思想家大都把财产权视为个人人格的延伸,各国法律都是通过保护财产来保护人格的。
Personal property could be separated into existent personal property and mental personality property in accordance with that whether the relation between personhood and particular person is existent or mental. 从人格财产与特定个人的联系是生存性抑或精神性的,可将人格财产再细分为生存性人格财产和精神性人格财产。
Personality right is of clear-cut difference from property right in order that people nearly ignore the close connection between personhood and property. 人格权与财产权是如此的泾渭分明,以致于人们快忽略人格与财产之间的紧密联系。
Personal property right contains personhood interests and indispensable significance for particular person. 人格财产权对于特定个人来说具有不可替代的重要性,内含人格利益。
The scope of personal property is not that clear due to the abstract, ambiguous and extensive nature of personhood although this definition is comparatively specific. 这个定义虽然已经比较具体,但是由于人格本身所具有的抽象、模糊、宽泛的性质,人格财产的范围并不清晰。
The theoretical basis of the article was summed into three: the reconcile of protectionist theory and personhood theory promotion of the educational penalty the combination of parents partite and welfare of the child. 关于保护处分制度的理论依据,本文归结为三类,即保护者理论和人格权理论的调和、教育刑理论的推动以及国家亲权与儿童最佳利益的结合。
Thus, personal property indicates a type of property connected with personhood of which pains produced from lost and could not be remedied by substitutes. 因此,人格财产就是指与人格紧密相连、其灭失造成的痛苦无法通过替代物补救的财产。