He argued persuasively, and was full of confidence. 他的论证很有说服力,且充满自信。
Practice articulating positions you disagree with faithfully and persuasively. Unless you can do this, youre implicitly assuming that people who disagree with you are idiots. 练习如何有说服力的表达你不同意的观点,如果你不这样做,你就会在心里暗骂与你道不同的人是蠢货一个。
The ability to speak and write persuasively has gained importance in the age of digital communications. 在数字通讯的时代,说写具有说服力越来越重要。
Their new book argues persuasively that companies in mature markets have no choice but to adopt a similar approach. 他们的新书有说服力地指出,成熟市场的企业别无选择,也只能采取类似的策略。
What makes their book important is that they also contend persuasively, I believe that, the stereotype notwithstanding, he was not the same man in his prime that he had been at the beginning of his career. 他们的书之所以重要,还在于他们也提出,尽管形成了刻板印象,但巅峰时期的乔布斯和事业刚开始时,并不是同一个人&在我看来他们的论述很有说服力。
Most of them are aimed at people who want to talk more persuasively and engagingly in order to get on in their careers, not at people who want to engage in conversation for the sheer pleasure it affords. 它们中的大多数都是针对那些只想要自己的事业更上层楼而让谈吐更加令人信服,更加引人入胜的人;而不是针对那些就为了谈话所提供的纯粹的乐趣而参与到谈话中来人。
Also in demand is the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively in writing ( 31%). 另外,还包括清晰、有说服力的书面表达能力(31%)。
The theoretical guiding position and its practical character of Marxism require the modern Marxist scholars to answer persuasively. 马克思主义的理论指导地位及实在践品性,要求当代马克思主义者就这一题目作出有说服力的理论回答。
Nevertheless, on judicial review the agency will have to defend its legal position as persuasively as if it had not issued the rule; 但不管怎样,在司法审查时,机关将不得不充满说服力地捍卫其法律立场,就仿佛它从未颁布过有关规则一样;
These should help equip ministries of health to negotiate more persuasively with ministries of finance and commerce. 这些将有助于增强卫生部说服财政部和商务部的能力。
Yet those who no longer regard the college teaching is the nuclear of our social education cannot persuasively convince others to accept this view without considering the fact that the accomplishment of a certain profession must be achieved through series of systematic studies. 那些认为学校教育不再是社会的核心教育的人,如果没考虑到必须通过一系列系统的学习才能达到的行业造诣的事实的话,那么他们就不能有具有信服力的说服别人。
The sentences with both "Mei" and "Le" can be persuasively explained by using their "abnormal voice" and different levels of adjacency. 表达“异于常态”的意义、处于不相邻层次,这两个因素对于分析“没”、“了”同现句可以有较强的解释力。
He argues, persuasively, that it is far better to help workers affected by disruptive change than it is to shield industries with efficiency-destroying tariffs. 他有说服力地争论道,去帮助被破坏性变化影响下的工人远比去用摧毁效率的关税保护工业更好。
Some scholars such as Professor Nathanson, have argued persuasively that the Court misconstrued the original intent of the Administrative Procedure Act. 一些学者,如纳撒教授很有说服力地争论到,法院曲解了《行政诉讼法》的本来意图。
English speaking skills required-write and speak clearly, concisely and persuasively. 要求英语技能?听说读写清晰,简明和流利。
She spoke very persuasively in favour of a woman's right to abortion. 她极有说服力地为妇女有权流产说话。
It argues, persuasively, that attempts to recreate a national manufacturing sector are senseless. 该报告颇具说服力地指出,重建全国制造业的努力毫无意义。
Mr Mandelbaum has been preaching the gospel of petrol taxes for a long time, and does so persuasively. 曼德尔鲍姆长期以来一直在鼓吹汽油税教义,他的鼓吹颇具说服力。
In this novel, Collins subtly and persuasively presents and criticizes the ineffective social machinery, disgusting hypocrisy and man's greed. 在小说中,Collins敏锐和让人信服的介绍和批评了无效的社会机器,讨厌的伪善和人类的贪婪。
Students find that all historians argue reasonably and persuasively. 学生们发现所有的历史学家都争论得有条有理,并且很有说服力。
Her arguments are very lucidly and persuasively set out in this book. 她的论点在这本书中得到非常清晰且有说服力的阐述。
He arguedhis case most persuasively. 他的庭辩十分有说服力。
He spoke very persuasively but I smelled a rat and refused his offer. 他说得头头是道,但我觉得有些可疑,于是拒绝了他的建议。
They also need people who can pitch their ideas persuasively, with good client empathy particularly valued. 它们还需要在阐述自己观点时能够令人信服的人,尤其看重良好的客户亲和力。
He talked persuasively for an hour, but his words had no affect. 他谈到有说服力了一个小时,但他的话有没有影响。
He would n't hurt you, emil, said Carl persuasively. “他不会伤害你的,爱弥儿,”卡尔宽慰道。
Make sure the content of your email is written persuasively and impact fully. 要确保你的邮件内容有说服力、能起到作用。
I know more about life in some ways than you can ever hope to learn, he added, softly, persuasively. “我对人生知道得多些,你是望尘莫及的。”他温柔地,花言巧语地补充说。
Working from a constitutional and a copyright policy perspective, he persuasively concludes that it must be the author. 从宪法和著作权政策的视角,他令人信服的说明,应该是作者得到这些额外的保护期。
Unfortunately, the experience of recent years should caution against basing policy on the urgings of neo-conservative journalists, no matter how persuasively they write. 不幸的是,近年来的经验提醒我们,无论新保守主义记者的文章多么具有说服力,也不应按照他们的主张去制定政策。