Many of my clients have too much legacy code and momentum to change pervasively. 我的许多客户有太多的遗留代码,修改起来工作量太大。
They acknowledge that privacy and data theft are legitimate concerns in a pervasively connected environment, but they feel it is already too late to stop the juggernaut of change. 他们提到,在普遍联系的环境中,对隐私和数据窃取的考虑是理所应当的,但是,他们感到现在停止对变化的崇拜已经太晚了。
This is the case with the term cloud, which describes the practice of using the Internet to host applications and services in ways that had not been seen or used as pervasively before. 云就是这种情况,它描述了使用Internet来支持应用程序或者服务的实践,这种方法之前没有见过,或者没有被广泛使用。
More pervasively, the primary changes to RUP consist of a more subtle change of perspective on the development process. 更深入的是,对RUP的主要变更包含对开发过程的视图的更微秒的改变。
DUAL table A single-row, single-column table used pervasively in Oracle applications as a dummy. DUAL表单行、单列表在Oracle应用程序中被广泛地用作哑表。
If you use continuation servers pervasively, the user experience will change. 如果大量使用延续服务器,用户体验就会改变。
As Web-based information sources grow pervasively, content providers and content consumers are presented with several challenges. 由于基于Web的信息资源的深入普及,内容提供者和内容使用者都面临着几个挑战。
You must look to encapsulate or decompose security requirements into a set of security services that will act pervasively throughout the SOA implementation. 必须将安全需求封装或分解为将在SOA实现中以渗透方式工作的一组安全服务。
A pervasively biased Western media unfortunately plays into the hands of persons seeking to characterize China as posing a security threat to its neighbors or to the United States. 很不幸地,在西方媒体手中,一个普遍的偏见就是寻求将中国打扮成威胁邻国或者美国安全的坏蛋。
Whether they annoy you or you like them, advertisements in their various forms have already pervasively permeated our lives. 你烦也好,喜欢也罢,广告已经以各种形式无孔不入地渗透到我们的生活中。
We were surprised that consistently and pervasively, through every way of looking at the data, it turns out this isn't about skin color or gender. 我们感到惊讶的是,无论怎样看数据,结果都表明这不是关于肤色或性别,一贯如此、随处可见。
Even though the file system is an internal facility that shouldn't be the concern of users, it pervasively influences the user interface of most applications. 即使文件系统是一个不应该影响用户的内部功能,但是由于文件系统对大多数程序界面的影响无处不在,所以它成了一个大问题。
Knowledge is being used pervasively in the overall economic system. 知识与资讯正全面渗透到整个经济运作过程中去。
Literature Education is not a temporary behavior to meet an emergency, but a manner of humanism education which is used pervasively. So it is unnecessary to contact the phenomenon of literature marginalization in the new century to literature education. 文学教育不是一种临时应急的拯救行为,而是具有普遍意义的人文教育的一种形式,所以不必把新世纪出现的文学边缘化现象与文学教育联系在一起。
Self worth is one of the important facets of the individual self. It pervasively impacts on people's cognition, emotion, behavior and mental health. 自我价值感是个体自我中对人的认知、情绪和行为具有弥漫性影响的一个重要方面,也是影响人的心理健康水平的重要方面。
Then the conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese are analyzed. Orientational, ontological and structural metaphors exist pervasively in both languages, which are illustrated by English and Chinese idioms. 接着作者对英语和汉语中的概念隐喻进行了分析,方位隐喻、实体隐喻和结构隐喻在两种语言中都普遍存在,这在英汉习语中得到了体现。
Hindi has been greatly and pervasively influenced by the English language during its long contact with English. 在与英语的长期接触中,印地语受到英语深刻而广泛的影响。
There are a great deal of material and energy, which can be exploited and utilized by mankind, contained in garbage. Retrieving and utilizing garbage resources are being pervasively recognize by many countries all over the world. 垃圾中蕴藏着许多可供人类开发利用的物质和能量,回收利用垃圾资源正日益受到世界各国的普遍重视。
Discourse markers are so pervasively used in daily language that the proper use and interpretation of them consist of a considerable part of pragmatic or communicative competence. 话语标记语(discoursemarkers)在日常语言使用中几乎无处不在,对其得体的使用和恰如其分的理解是语用能力中很重要的一个方面。
Nowadays, information is pervasively stored and processed in digital forms, and the security of information content is given more and more attention. 随着现有信息更多的以数字形式保存和处理,对信息内容安全的关注也越来越多。
Anxiety is one of the most important affective factors that most pervasively obstructs the FL learning, which attracts more and more academic concerns of foreign or second language teaching worlds, and it varies in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 焦虑作为学习者情感因素的一个非常重要的情感变量,近来成为外语教学研究的学术热点,同时焦虑对语言的听、说、读、写等分项技能的影响也不尽相同。
Boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations, as one of the important parts of the subject of ordinary differential equation, exist in classical mechanics and electrics pervasively. 常微分方程边值问题在经典力学和电学中有着极为丰富的源泉,它是常微分方程学科的重要组成部分之一。
The World War II destroyed the human body and civilization, moreover caused the humanity to beset with a psychic crisis pervasively. 第二次世界大战的炮火不仅摧毁了生命与文明,而且使人类普遍陷入了一场精神危机。
As a result, the ideas and techniques of web services are applied pervasively in industry and investigated in depth in academia. Web服务的思想及技术因此在目前的工业界得到了广泛地应用,同时在学术界也得到了深入的研究。
Verbal irony, as a distinctive and important way of human communication, is pervasively used in daily life. A good command and employment of verbal irony not only helps expressing our thoughts but also facilitates processing and understanding ironic utterances. 言语反讽(verbalirony),作为一种人类独特且重要的交际方式,在日常交流中几乎无处不在,对其正确的使用和理解有利于我们更好地表达自己的思想和理解他人的话语。
Discourse markers ( hereafter, DMs), the common linguistic phenomena, are so pervasively applied in verbal communication that not only exert great influence upon utterance construction and interpretation, but also constrain and guide the direction of communication. 话语标记语是言语交际中一种常见的语言现象,对话语的构建和理解具有重要影响,制约并引导人们的言语交际。
Foreign language classroom anxiety is found to be one of the affective factors that most pervasively block the foreign language learning process. 外语课堂焦虑是语言学习过程中阻碍语言学习的情感因素之一。
Chapter Two tries to find out cultural implication of metaphor. Through the analysis of different way of metaphor expression, Chinese and English both use metaphor in language pervasively. 第二章通过分析中英文两种语言表现隐喻的不同方式及其语言结构,折射出不同语言的文化内涵。
Discourse markers ( DMs) are pervasively used in daily communication. 话语标记语在日常交际中被广泛使用。
Politeness, a common phenomenon of human culture, exists pervasively in human social life. 礼貌是人类文化的共有现象,广泛存在于人类社会生活之中。