I'm sure she does it out of perversity. 我保证她那样做是由于变态。
Freud had this wonderful phrase," polymorphous perversity," this pure desire for pleasure. 弗洛依德有这种非常的阶段,多边形反常,这类纯粹的快乐的欲望。
Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. 箴6:14心中乖僻、常设恶谋、布散纷争。
A monument to imbecility and perversity in scholarship. 学术上愚蠢和乖僻的典型。
She is light and she has gone; however, her death revealed the profound moral perversity of Chinese people. 她很轻且已飘去;然而,她的死暴露了中国人深刻的道德沉沦。
He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, rebellion, and perversity. 他也可以把顽固,偏心,叛乱和堕落。
Wishing for a "strong" Euro when growth is petering out is to be proud to the point of perversity. 在欧元区增长疲弱之际希望欧元“走强”,是骄傲到了刚愎自负的地步。
He refused to attend out of sheer perversity. 他拒不出席纯属任性固执。
Her perversity as a child. 她孩子般的任性。
The perversity of all this, however, is that companies often experience their best periods of creativity and growth when they are run as partnerships in their early days. 这一切的反常之处在于,公司最具创造力和发展情况最好的时期,往往是在它们实行合伙制的初创时期。
It also produces emotional perversity and sudden inexplicable changes in moods. 它也产生情绪上的特意背道而驰和突然的、无法解释的心情变化。
Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him? 是由于错乱,我渴望和他交谈?
Abandoning the flesh, firmly setting our polymorphous perversity behind us, we will have, instead, the trueness of each other's purity, knowing each other as one soul knows another. 放弃肉吧,坚决地放弃我们的变态反常行为吧,取而代之,我们将拥有彼此的纯洁,象心灵互通一样地相识相知。
It is not a perversity nowadays for a girl to have a crew cut. 现在女孩子剪平头并非是种反常的行为。
Inclination as well as perversity made the decision easy. 倾慕再加上任性便不难作出决定了。
It is not simple moral perversity that keeps sex and violence on the air. 性和暴力的节目广为传播,这不单纯是道德沦丧。
The special shoe and cup game is a witness to the perversity of the literati. 特殊的鞋杯令,则反映出当时文人的变态心理。