"There's almost a void there," says Bob Vetere, president of the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association." There is no real pet-food department of any federal agency. " BobVetere是美国宠物商品生产者协会的主席,他说:“几乎有一个空白,没有一个真正的联邦机构的宠物食品监管部门。”
Toy companies and pet-food firms alike have found that their brands can be tainted if their suppliers turn out shoddy goods. 像生产玩具和宠物食品这类的公司已经发现,如果他们的供应商生产的产品不过关的话,他们的品牌形象也会受到牵连。
She compares the pet-food crisis in America to the outbreak of mad-cow disease in Europe, which led to a collapse of public trust in food regulation. 她比较了美国发生的宠物食品危机和在欧洲爆发的疯牛病,它们都导致了公众对粮食调控信任的丧失。
She hopes the pet-food affair will be a wake-up call for everyone. 她希望宠物食品事件能鸣起人们心中的警钟。
Even before the recent pet-food scare, legal experts say there has been a growing legal recognition of pets'value. 甚至在最近的宠物食物恐慌出现之前,法律专家说对宠物的法律认知度一直在不断提高。